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attn: anne or any one else who might know; is the armageddon shop open today?

[Dec 31,2004 4:20pm - assuck ""]
[Dec 31,2004 4:21pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I don't know. So why did I post?
[Dec 31,2004 4:26pm - paganmegan ""]
I went there the other night and I BELIEVE she said she was working today, so my guess is yes
[Dec 31,2004 4:53pm - armageddonday ""]
yeah and tomorrow as well
[Dec 31,2004 4:57pm - abhorred ""]
till 8???
[Dec 31,2004 5:03pm - armageddonday ""]
tonight yeah...I mean if you guys are coming around 8pm, I can stay open until you're done. Tomorrow I don't know I'm not working, so until 6pm for sure, if it's busy until 8pm.

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