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Anal Reconstructive Surgery

[Jan 2,2005 6:31pm - hoser ""]
"My anus has been rebuilt after shitting out pounds of holiday cheer and gobs of booze", said Jake of Hand Choke Neck. This comment coming shortly after ruining his Southern Ring to the foods and drinks that come along with the holidays. "She was getting tired, I could tell that something had gone wrong", said Jake in regards to the first signs that he received from his blown out anus. Jake underwent a complete anal restoration immediately following the New Year at the Rock Hudson Memorial Anal Reconstructive Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. All donations will be accepted and appreciated by the Rock Hudson Memorial Anal Reconstructive Center. We would like to remind you to please eat and drink carefully. Avoid a ruined anus!!
[Jan 2,2005 6:34pm - silky ""]
that's great news, not to mention sound advice. are you still in colorado right now? if not you should head down to the bistro for ayato's going away party. we're going to set up and play if I can find the other guys.
[Jan 2,2005 6:36pm - hoser ""]
Fuck dude.....I'll be back from Colorado tomorrow night around 8pm. That sucks....I need to say goodbye to Ayato, he's been a great friend; not to mention that I would love to see you guys play there.....that would be hilarious!
[Jan 2,2005 6:40pm - silky ""]
they have no idea what they're in for! ayato will be sticking around for a little while longer than he had planned. someone broke into his place and jacked his computer and some other shit. they caught the motherfucker, and ayato wants to stay so he can watch this guy get prosecuted and jailed.
[Jan 2,2005 6:54pm - hoser ""]
Good. I hope they burn the fag. I'll see you guys this week.
[Jan 3,2005 10:10pm - metalmatt666 ""]
hehe anal is a funny word
[Jan 3,2005 10:36pm - retzam ""]
I'm so confused about what is true and what is false in this thread.
[Jan 3,2005 10:54pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
its all true

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