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Can anyone part with a cellphone? HELP ME OUT PLEEEAAAASE!!!!

[Jan 12,2005 10:58pm - DaveSTF ""]
Mine was dropped into a little bit of slush today and it no longer works. It's a new phone too, and verizon are assholes and won;t help me with any type of deal or discount. I mean, I dumped bottles of water over this thing and it fell into a full coffee cup and still survived, then it falls in a bit of slush and it shits the bed? What the fuck?

If any of you just got a new phone and have an old one that you wouldnt mind parting ways with, hit me up! thanks everyone!-dave
[Jan 12,2005 11:03pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
It would have to be a Verizon phone ,correct?
[Jan 12,2005 11:12pm - DaveSTF ""]
I'm not sure exactly, but I'm pretty sure.
[Jan 12,2005 11:21pm - the_reverend ""]
it's probably cause the slush was salty.
you know what I;m talking about there.
[Jan 12,2005 11:35pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i got a cell phone i can give you............i'll give you a call.........haha
[Jan 12,2005 11:37pm - DaveSTF ""]
I don't get it.
[Jan 12,2005 11:40pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
you dont have a phone for me to call.
[Jan 12,2005 11:45pm - tbone_r ""]
haha i got it.
[Jan 13,2005 12:16am - dirtycrayon  ""]
if you're in a abusive relationship you can get a cellphone for free.
[Jan 13,2005 12:16am - BornSoVile ""]
dirtycrayon said:if you're in a abusive relationship you can get a cellphone for free.

[Jan 13,2005 12:45am - DaveSTF ""]
ahaha yeah i gave my old one to that program..now i need it back!

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