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Movie: big fish

[Jan 22,2005 10:50pm - the_reverend ""]
watching it now.
[Jan 22,2005 11:11pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
sorry to hear that.
[Jan 23,2005 12:20am - retzam ""]
Such a good movie.
[Jan 23,2005 12:28am - the_reverend ""]
it's pretty decent.
I heard it sucked, but this isn't bad.
plus, there's a freaking giant!
[Jan 23,2005 12:30am - BornSoVile ""]
i enjoyed it.
[Jan 23,2005 12:32am - retzam ""]
The giant is so cool.
[Jan 23,2005 12:32am - retzam ""]
The giant is so cool.
[Jan 23,2005 12:33am - retzam ""]
What the fuck. I posted that, and then the screen still showed that BornSoVile was the last poster, so I posted it again and it's there twice.
[Jan 23,2005 12:34am - retzam ""]
Anyway, I just finished Dazed And Confused. That movie always goes by incredibly fast. I wish it was longer.
[Jan 23,2005 12:35am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
[Jan 23,2005 12:36am - retzam ""]
The pic isn't working for me.
[Jan 23,2005 12:37am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
that dress isn't working for me
[Jan 23,2005 12:45am - the_reverend ""]
I kept thinking the dad was william shatner.
[Jan 23,2005 12:48am - BornSoVile ""]
hah, he'd probaly speak in a song like him, common people.
[Jan 23,2005 12:52am - succubus ""]
not that giant
[Jan 23,2005 3:12am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Big Fish is a great movie.

[Jan 23,2005 4:11am - dirteecrayon ""]
was it a real giant or computer animated?

i really liked that movie but i don't think i could sit through it again.
[Jan 23,2005 4:31am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
[Jan 23,2005 4:37am - dirteecrayon ""]
oh nevermind the giant is real.

name : Matthew McGrory
Height: 7' 6"
Trade mark:
Is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the largest feet - size 29 1/2.

Size 29 1/2 --- i know i'm not the only one who's curious?!?!?! hmmm...
[Jan 23,2005 4:56am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
he uses stocking caps as socks.

and condoms.
[Jan 23,2005 8:00am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i own this movie. i like it. it is not one of my favorites but it is pretty good.
[Jan 23,2005 10:25am - succubus ""]
i was drunk last night and dosed off..was woken up by aaron licking my face..ayhow..so i'm watching it again now while he sleeps
[Jan 23,2005 11:07am - boobtoucher ""]
Big Fish is a great movie! And, aaarrrgghh, I hate when the Rev wakes me up like that.
[Jan 23,2005 11:11am - Timma ""]
i just like big fish because of the scene where they use that Yes song....doo doo doo doo do do dooo do-doooooo time is time is timeina;flkjasdoifuew;jc...and its news...or something. i think my brain just cramped.

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