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Single greatest weblink ever posted!!

[Jan 26,2005 8:47pm - hoser ""]

Click it or ticket beotches!!!
[Jan 26,2005 8:52pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Don't you mean http://www.qmov.net ?

THAT is the greatest website.

[Jan 26,2005 10:05pm - Kalopsia ""]
why am i the only one that realizes just how horrible napolean dynamite is????
[Jan 26,2005 10:16pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Kalopsia said:why am i the only one that realizes just how horrible napolean dynamite is????

No no don't feel alone, i think it's a load of crap as well.
[Jan 26,2005 10:37pm - Bradness ""]
i thought it was ok, nothing special
[Jan 26,2005 10:38pm - hoser ""]
You have to have a personality and a sense of humor to understand this movie. You can't expect anything from it. Just take it for what it is.
[Jan 26,2005 11:01pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Don't you mean http://www.qmov.net ?

THAT is the greatest website.


Sorry Jake, his is better
[Jan 26,2005 11:04pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hoser said:You have to have a personality and a sense of humor to understand this movie. You can't expect anything from it. Just take it for what it is.

it has nothing to do with understanding the movie, i just thought it was rubish.
[Jan 27,2005 11:15pm - metalmatt666 ""]
great site
[Jan 27,2005 11:41pm - dyingmuse ""]

the whistles go woooooooooooooo!!!!!

i wish i had the movie link to go with this
[Jan 28,2005 12:40am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
ebaumsworld has the Bubb Rubb Lil' Sis video
[Jan 28,2005 1:42am - hunterhunter ""]
[Jan 28,2005 9:40am - damnose ""]
Kalopsia said:why am i the only one that realizes just how horrible napolean dynamite is????

well apparently you're not... I didn't see what's so great about it either
[Jan 28,2005 10:34am - timma ""]
napoleon dynamite is one of those movies you either get, or you don't. try to read into it and you'll hate it...look for something to grab a hold of and you'll hate it. take it at face value, i really only thinks its funny if you make it funny. what ever happend to imagination? goddamn kids and your pac man video games....

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