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we got a new jam room!

[Jan 27,2005 11:01am - dyingmuse ""]
this new room kisck fucking ass, it's all black!

so anyway, me and the guitarist moved everything by our selves, it took us 5 hours! fucking sucked! we moved all the rugs, furniture, and 7 members equiptment! they have some rooms still available if bands are looking.
[Jan 27,2005 11:02am - litacore ""]
ooh, nice! where in NH?

our room is all red, but teeny
[Jan 27,2005 11:07am - dyingmuse ""]
in haverhill at rivers edge. its about 25 by 30 ish 12 foot ceelings, awesome. and we only pay 330!

red ain't bad, but teeny sucks unless they are naked! lol
[Jan 27,2005 11:10am - litacore ""]
wow, man--we like living fifteen minutes maximum from our space, but it's pricey (plus you guys are 7, we are but 3!)

rivers edge, huh:
"why did you kill her?"
"she was talking shit."
FECK! -- "do you have any Bud in bottles?"
hahaha Crispin Glover and Dennis Hopper, a whole seperate thread
[Jan 27,2005 11:11am - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:ooh, nice! where in NH?

our room is all red, but teeny

Yeah and it smells like stale beer and metal heads

[Jan 27,2005 11:14am - damnose ""]
ah, but it has smelled worse.
[Jan 27,2005 11:15am - paganmegan ""]
Yeah with certain former band memebers intact at those times
[Jan 27,2005 11:17am - damnose ""]
well i was just talking about all the farting, but ok!
[Jan 27,2005 11:20am - litacore ""]
hahaha, I'm glad I had a clogged nasal cavity this month then
[Jan 27,2005 11:20am - paganmegan ""]
Oh yeah, well that too
[Jan 27,2005 11:20am - paganmegan ""]
beer is a gassy drink, I'm sorry
[Jan 27,2005 11:21am - RustedAngel ""]
that's awesome, but man I hope when the rest of the band moves down here, that someone has a house where we can play at, I'd rather not pay some scumbag for 1 room to practice in.
[Jan 27,2005 11:23am - damnose ""]
my nasal cavity holds 2-3 times more mucous than a normal nasal cavity. i know this because my doctor told me.

enjoy lunch!
[Jan 27,2005 11:24am - damnose ""]
paganmegan said:beer is a gassy drink, I'm sorry

haha. well i really was talking about other smells, and i'm just as guilty. damn veggie dogs
[Jan 27,2005 12:27pm - darkwingsunfurl ""]
[Jan 27,2005 12:28pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i really didn't need to come in here and read all this.
[Jan 27,2005 12:30pm - endtime divine  ""]
i used to party with the band in that room you guys got, i think a sick black metal band was in there. frozen forest or something
[Jan 27,2005 2:13pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah, cool guys, too bad they couldn't keep the room. i liked listening to them from our old room. some dicks broke the mirror in that room too, fuckers! i like the pa mounts on the walls. however we did cover the swazsticker on the wall with a lifesize poster of shreck. we haven't even set up our gear, but the move is at least done. tonight will be the first time we play there.

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