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fuck you

[Jan 27,2005 2:52pm - cdan ""]
[Jan 27,2005 2:53pm - dave from the grave nli  ""]
that is so cute
[Jan 27,2005 2:53pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jan 27,2005 2:56pm - retzam ""]
[Jan 27,2005 6:08pm - aliciagrace ""]
that child has a weird lookin head
[Jan 27,2005 6:12pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
that has to be the ugliest baby Ive ever seen
[Jan 27,2005 6:17pm - aliciagrace ""]
yea, if it was my child, i would def. be forced to beat it repeatedly and then eat it

i cant get over how huge its head it
[Jan 28,2005 4:11pm - swamplorddvm ""]
retzam said:hahaha


I win.
[Jan 28,2005 4:14pm - Christraper ""]
[Jan 28,2005 6:07pm - Niccolai ""]
I'd still stick it...

Iv'e seen uglier babies. My nephew Sei was born with black irises... You know... kindof like wes borlin with the black contacts. THAT was ugly.
[Jan 28,2005 11:48pm - mikehuntstinks ""]
that's one ugly ass kid

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