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Am I a failure?

[Jan 29,2005 8:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
My brother Ed is a business investment banker for Citizen's bank.

My brother Matt is a chemist/researcher for the state of MA.

My sister Katie is acing a dual major in physics and chemistry at St.Michaels.

[Jan 29,2005 8:55am - pisscup ""]
are you enjoying life?
[Jan 29,2005 8:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yeah, I am most the time, but I thought that was because I was slightly retarded.
[Jan 29,2005 9:07am - lady czerach NLI  ""]
I'm the failure in my family, too. But we're having more fun than they are.
[Jan 29,2005 10:20am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
[Jan 29,2005 12:04pm - Robdeadskin ""]
we failures are the soundtrack to the new world!!
[Jan 29,2005 12:06pm - KeithMutiny ""]
luckily my family doesnt expect much from any of us, so its cool.
[Jan 29,2005 12:50pm - pisscup ""]
I killed my family when I was 5

[Jan 29,2005 1:12pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:My brother Ed is a business investment banker for Citizen's bank.

My brother Matt is a chemist/researcher for the state of MA.

My sister Katie is acing a dual major in physics and chemistry at St.Michaels.

your a fucking fruitcake
[Jan 29,2005 1:14pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I am.

you help put on Metal shows... Is this some sort of 'make Joe feel better about himself' thread?
[Jan 29,2005 4:32pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm the failure in my family too. i live with my parents and work at a shitty job and basically suck at the everyday things people are supposed to take care of in their lives.
[Jan 30,2005 8:03am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
It's not a 'make joe feel better' thread.

I am just asking a question. I don't really feel bad about how things are, the failure title was just a joke. I figured everyone here knew I was an egomaniac.

I don't know if I should feel overshadowed by my siblings though, even though they are currently more successfull in terms of careers in the 'real world'. Not really something I am interested in though, which will probably be my downfall someday.

I am such a free spirit!

I was more curious who else felt the same way about their lives, doing what I want to do is more important to me then what I 'should' do, if you guys/girls know what I mean.

This thread is all about just thinking out loud really, so don't mind me.
[Jan 30,2005 10:01am - dirtycrayon  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:

I am such a free spirit!

you hippie!

[Jan 30,2005 1:45pm - dunwichnli  ""]
It's better than looking back twenty years later when you're trapped with kids, a mortgage and a job that's slowly loosing its appeal and wondering what you could have done when you were younger. I don't think anyone here is so old that they don't have time to train for a different career, etc in the future if they wanted to...I know that I don't plan on settling down in one field for fourty years. Ok, that's enough optimism for one day.
[Jan 30,2005 4:17pm - dread_104 ""]
none of it really matters when we're all gonna die of cancer.
[Jan 30,2005 6:17pm - hand NLI  ""]
dread_104 said:none of it really matters when we're all gonna die of cancer.

Yeah, cancer runs in my family, and it kills.
[Jan 30,2005 7:56pm - metalmatt666 ""]
I'm worse

My cousin is a Rhoads scholar and is currntly about to graduate from Oxford University with a perfect ten on everything, she has never gotten anything less than an A her whole life

My other cousin has turned her life completly around she got rid of her nosering and fire engine red hair and married some nerdy douchebag and moved from new york city out to Kansas and works at a Day care center

My two eleven year old cousins well one of them is on the swim team and has 100's of freinds and gets nothing but A's the other one is on the football team and has the same grades and # of freinds and he wants to be a vet

My other cousin Is also on the swim team gets all A's is the model student at her high school is probobly the prom queen or some shit like that and is dating the # 1 player on the schools football team and is working towards marine Biology

I have one other cousin thats the only one in the family like me. He is 26 and dating a 14 year old he as no job lives in my aunt and uncle's house, ranked up a 10,000 $ credit card debt his car is about to be repossesed his cell phone got revoked he's one point away from getting his entire license revoked, he has stolen my uncle's shotgun drove his car around taking pot shots at his neibors then sped back to his apartment and had a 3 1/2 hr suicide standoff with the cops he was then put into a psyche ward where he was diagnosed Bipolar, he was given meds but stopped taking them and started self medicating on speed and heroine and he refuses help

and me I've never worked in my life i sport blue/red/green hair that goes down well past my soulders i have a giant septum ring huge spike gauntlets the only thing i do is my music, i watch suff films all day, i go to black metal concerts every weekend(almost) and cause mass ratial tension at my high school other than that life is fucking peachy
[Jan 31,2005 2:30pm - METALMATT666 ""]
failures of the world unite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jan 31,2005 2:49pm - Christraper ""]
My brother isnt old enough yet to determine who's the failure but its probably me. Id say im happy 40% of the time and "blah" 20%.
[Jan 31,2005 2:50pm - Christraper ""]
The rest of the time i dont want to get out of bed
[Jan 31,2005 3:01pm - Hooker ""]
I've worked at the same job for 7 years. Make good money. Have been in a bunch of shitty bands. Feel good about this band. Still have same job. Don't want to get ouf of bed most of the time.
[Jan 31,2005 3:11pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
metalmatt666 said:Iand me I've never worked in my life i sport blue/red/green hair that goes down well past my soulders i have a giant septum ring huge spike gauntlets the only thing i do is my music, i watch suff films all day, i go to black metal concerts every weekend(almost) and cause mass ratial tension at my high school other than that life is fucking peachy

Sure you do...
[Jan 31,2005 3:16pm - assuck ""]
where do you live that there's black metal shows every weekend?
[Jan 31,2005 3:19pm - paganmegan ""]
the frozen moon forest
[Jan 31,2005 3:21pm - assuck ""]
oh yeah...

my bad.
[Jan 31,2005 3:21pm - Christraper ""]
of doom
[Jan 31,2005 3:46pm - Josh_Martin ""]
metalmatt666 said:and me I've never worked in my life i sport blue/red/green hair that goes down well past my soulders i have a giant septum ring huge spike gauntlets the only thing i do is my music, i watch suff films all day, i go to black metal concerts every weekend(almost) and cause mass ratial tension at my high school other than that life is fucking peachy

You're in high school. You aren't old enough to post in this thread.

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