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the hardest core (and a shitload of cow's blood)

[Jan 29,2005 10:43am - grindwhore666 ""]
so last night i went to go see my buddies band, the hardest core, play and it was a mess. he went to the butcher and got a bunch of blood for the show and it was everywhere, he was soaked in it. there was one part where he wanted me to come out with blood in wine glasses for drinking, but he was SO fucking drunk he forgot he signalled me out and that i was there and as he was rocking out he bumped my arm and the blood splashed me in the face. so i tossed the contents of one of the two glasses at him from across the stage and got him square in the back. he turned around, then i walked up to him grabbed his hair and tilted his head back and poured the other glass of blood onto him. all i have to say is it's hard to tell if someones anger is real or staged when their face is dripping in cow's blood. he pushed me and i dropped the glasses and they broke. so blood and broken glass everywhere with a drunk front man going nuts. it was pretty much the hardest core haha

and that's my story of how i spent last night :satancross:
[Jan 29,2005 10:45am - assuck ""]
i gotta get me some cow's blood
[Jan 29,2005 10:21pm - grindwhore666 ""]


haha someone posted pics

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