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2nd Annual Sayonara Summer Festival, (late May/early June Fest), and Bookings over@ Bellingham Patriots Bar and Grille

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[Feb 1,2005 2:29am - Anamalech ""]
Hello Everyone,

I have started the proceedings to get this year's pre-summer festival (yet untitled), and this year's 2nd Annual Sayonara Summer Festival. There will be a meeting @ the Patriot's Bar & Grille in Bellingham, MA on Wensday Feb 23rd @ 9pm - 11pm. This meeting will cover the Bellingham Sporstman Club Festivals, mini-events that I have been planning, and booking over @ the Pats. Band reps should bring press kits and demos, and try to get there early. My e-mail is anamalech_metal@yahoo.com please feel free to inquire @ any time. I look forward to a good year for local and unsigned music.

Jay Rowan (formerly of Anamalech)
[Feb 1,2005 3:42pm - anonymous  ""]
The first Sayonara Summer Fest was incredible. I can't wait to see what you do with this one!
[Feb 1,2005 3:44pm - aterribleguitarist ""]
anonymous said:The first Sayonara Summer Fest was incredible. I can't wait to see what you do with this one!

this was me, didn't mean to post anonymously...i'm technologically retarded
[Feb 12,2005 2:06am - Anamalech ""]
disregard this post

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