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bands needed, all ages show in worcester

[show listing]  _______________________________________________
[Feb 2,2005 2:58pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Saturday, February 19 at Club Marque (336 Main Street right across from the Worcester Palladium)

Throwing Shrapnel, Paranoid, Cryptonym, Cellblock One, and many more TBA

All Ages, 4 pm, Ten Bands For Ten Bucks

There are still some open slots available.

All bands on this show get custom tickets mailed to them with all the band names and set times printed on each ticket so that they'll be easier to sell. The pay system on this show is excellent, bands keep 100% of the money after their first ten tickets sold (so if you sell fifteen tickets, you keep $50; if you sell twenty tickets, you keep $100; if you sell thirty tickets, you keep $200; if you sell fifty tickets, you keep $400; etc.) Excellent sound provided.

If your band is interested and can sell at least fifteen tickets, please contact me ASAP at shadow@neca.com for a slot.

yes it's lame, you gotta sell tickets but it's in worcester all ages and well it's better then playing Jarrods !
[Feb 2,2005 3:12pm - Hooker ""]
Dude. No more than 4 bands on any show ever. No one will want to sit around for ten fucking bands. Just trying to help.
[Feb 2,2005 3:18pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
not my show to book, just trying to add more bands i'd wanna listen to.
[Feb 2,2005 5:58pm - clownlips ""]
shaniqua and the skull fuckers would be pleased to play. email us shaniqualovesyou@hotmail.com
[Feb 3,2005 1:23am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
clownlips said:shaniqua and the skull fuckers would be pleased to play. email us shaniqualovesyou@hotmail.com

again, i'm not booking this show the email address is in the post, email Shadow and get on it, we wanna play with more metal bands !
[Feb 3,2005 11:15am - KillerKadoogan ""]
i emailed him

only time will tell
[Feb 3,2005 11:16am - KillerKadoogan ""]
does it matter that we have nothing at all for him to listen to?
[Feb 3,2005 11:32am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
KillerKadoogan said:does it matter that we have nothing at all for him to listen to?

shouldn't !
[Feb 3,2005 11:52am - KillerKadoogan ""]
sweet deal

this may be the first ever exploding christ show

start practicing your pants shitting now, so youre good at it by the time you see us
[Feb 3,2005 12:06pm - anonymous  ""]
ten bands, no headliner=awful idea

selling any tickets at all to get on a show=awful idea
[Feb 3,2005 12:15pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anonymous said:ten bands, no headliner=awful idea

selling any tickets at all to get on a show=awful idea

actually they're only asking you sell some not saying you have to sell any to play. but i mean for bands to say selling tickets is an awful idea makes me believe they dont see themselves being able to get rid of a HUGE ten tickets.

also it's an all ages show in worcester that starts at 4pm, yeah a headliner is really needed.

come talk some shit when you're not so anonymous !
[Feb 3,2005 12:44pm - KillerKadoogan ""]

[Feb 3,2005 1:03pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
hey does throwing shrapnel have a logo?

i'm gonna make me a flyer
[Feb 3,2005 1:22pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
i started the flyer, but deleted it by accident, so i'll just do it tomorrow
[Feb 3,2005 1:35pm - TNOTL  ""]
Cellblock one is the worst band ive ever seen. Sounds like slower pro pain with drunks. haha.
[Feb 3,2005 1:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
TNOTL said:Cellblock one is the worst band ive ever seen. Sounds like slower pro pain with drunks. haha.

so play the show so there's one more decent band !

[Feb 3,2005 11:22pm - anonymous  ""]
tell the guy to email me and we will.
[Feb 3,2005 11:25pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
again his email is right there....email him !

[Feb 4,2005 12:53am - anonymous  ""]
haha club marque! tickets??!?! what a joke!

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