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News Article: Immortality in 20 years!

[Feb 15,2005 4:43pm - the_reverend ""]

I can't wait!
[Feb 15,2005 4:47pm - Christraper ""]
no good can come of this....
[Feb 15,2005 5:20pm - dreadkill ""]
Christraper said:no good can come of this....

nice katatonia quote
[Feb 15,2005 6:28pm - dirteecrayon ""]

[Feb 15,2005 9:52pm - eddie ""]

i see this as a great. because then we would could have daily death matches for population control.

[Feb 15,2005 10:05pm - dirteecrayon ""]
i love battlebots!

i think the death matches should commence in china and be aired on espn and the viewers at home have the chance to bet money!
[Feb 15,2005 10:42pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
he makes cool keyboards.
[Feb 15,2005 11:27pm - boobtoucher ""]
have you ever read that....ON WEED??
[Feb 15,2005 11:31pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Somebody's watched the Cowboy Bebop movie far too many times.

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