Soulfly, Morbid Angel, Burn In Silence[views:22623][posts:93]the Palladium (Worcester, Ma) - [burn_in_silence][morbid_angel][randomshots][soulfly] __________________________________ [Feb 19,2005 7:06pm - hatehead ""] Wassssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuppppppppppp everyone just wanted to let you all know of a show coming up next saturday Saturday February 26th The Palladium 261 Main Street Worcester MA Soulfly, Morbid Angel, Burn In Silence Doors are at 7:00, Burn In Silence opens the show at 7:30 $25.00 bucks through strawberries |
__________________________________ [Feb 19,2005 7:45pm - gorgish ""] why the fuck is MA playing with soulfly??? |
______________________________________ [Feb 19,2005 9:05pm - the_reverend ""] I'll be there. should be a rocking time. josh(bornsovile) told me last night that you were added to the bill. |
________________________________________ [Feb 19,2005 9:27pm - todayistheday ""] 25 bucks sucks |
_______________________________________ [Feb 20,2005 12:14am - metalmatt666 ""] gorgish said:why the fuck is MA playing with soulfly??? Really |
____________________________________ [Feb 20,2005 2:44am - MyDeadDoll ""] MORBID ANGEL WAS FUCKING AWESOME when i saw them a few weeks ago. but, sadly, it wasn't that great of a show as the venue fucked them and all their fans. i don't wanna get into it... but, they are definately worth seeing!!! |
____________________________________ [Feb 20,2005 2:46am - MyDeadDoll ""] PS - you guys should throw rocks at Soulfly for me. I didn't get the chance to. |
________________________________________________ [Feb 20,2005 3:11am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] the_reverend said:I'll be there. should be a rocking time. josh(bornsovile) told me last night that you were added to the bill. what ! no Pile pictures, are you mad ! |
__________________________________________ [Feb 26,2005 4:16pm - THE ANCIENT ONE ""] The show tonight will rule! Morbid Angel has been boring as fuck ever since David left. Its been nine years since the last killer Morbid show! Here's tonights setlist in no particular order: IMMORTAL RITES MAZE OF TORMENT LORD OF ALL FEVERS AND PLAGUE CHAPEL OF GHOULS EVIL SPELLS BLEED FOR THE DEVIL BLASPHEMY DAY OF SUFFERING RAPTURE SWORN TO THE BLACK GOD OF EMPTINESS BLOOD ON MY HANDS WORLD OF SHIT DOMINATE WHERE THE SLIME LIVES DAWN OF THE ANGRY Only one song from BATS, but this looks like a killer setlist! They didnt even play some of those Altars songs on the Blessed tour! Is the opener worth seeing? What are they like? |
________________________________ [Feb 26,2005 5:14pm - retzam ""] OOOHH Man that setlist is amazing! The only thing I was really hoping to see that isn't there is Fall From Grace I'm leaving now, bye! |
______________________________________ [Feb 26,2005 5:38pm - the_reverend ""] I'm leaving in 10 minutes. |
_______________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 12:33am - the_reverend ""] pictures will be up in a minute. boy is retzam's hair long now. |
_______________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 12:34am - the_reverend ""] pictures are uploading. |
_________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 12:40am - retzam ""] hahahaha it was good to talk rev, I really never see anyone from this board in person. I looked for swamplord/the swamplord clone on my way out but i didn't see him. |
_________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 12:56am - retzam ""] And allow me to be the one to do the first review, that is if no one does one while I'm writing this. Burn In Silence: I had no idea what their name was until later on when I asked rev. I really wish they would have not done any breakdowns, cause I think it seriously decreased the quality of the music overall. They had some pretty cool guitar riffs, I think I liked the opening riff of the second song a lot. The drumming was very cool at times. The keyboard could very rarely be heard at all. I wish I could have heard the keyboard, it probably would have added another dimension to their music. Morbid Angel: Wow, fucking wow. Amazing. Such a great set, Vincent fucking rules. I don't even know what to say. So much Altars, so much sing along. I really hope that Vincent ends up sticking around, cause he definitely works really well with the band, and he's a great frontman, does a great job getting the crowd going. After seeing this concert I can not ever possibly hold Evil D against him again, period. Trey's face melting lava blasts were outstanding. I was also surprised by the amount of solos the other guitarist got (don't know his name). He had some really awesome solos too. Also, every fucking time I looked over at Pete he was going all out. Such a great drummer. Highlights: Hearing more than half of the songs off one of the fucking greatest death metal albums of all time live. Singing along to said songs. The only thing I can say that is even close to a con is that I was really really really hoping to hear Fall From Grace. Hopefully Dave sticks around and we can hear it on another one of their visits. Soulfly: I actually stayed for a half an hour or so of this. Highlights: Max yelling "Jump tha fuck up!!!", the song where the lyrics appear to be "BRING IT!" over and over again. The best thing though was the fucking pointless double necked guitar. What the fuck? He didn't even touch the top neck at all except I think he slammed all of the open strings once near the beginning and once at the end. What a moron. The only thing redeeming I saw was two guitar solos that were both pretty awesome. What a shitty band. Oh yeah, and we walked around back of the palladium a few times and could hear them still playing. The second time I couldn't resist saying "Hey guys, they're still playing the first song!". What a shitty band. Awesome night. |
________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 1:12am - retzam ""] Oh yeah, Swamplord, were you wearing leather pants and hanging out over near the bar after Morbid Angel's set? |
_______________________________ [Feb 27,2005 2:27am - moran ""] So Soulfly headlined over Morbid Angel? Pretty Gay. |
______________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 2:49am - the_reverend ""] I did this mostly with speech to text.. so it's probably going to suck. burn in silence: Al and MAX were in their he then though goal goratory was playing in down the street. I ran in for the last couple songs and they were playing. Even enter though what they the show wasn't supposed to start my detail 8 p.m. they'd started at 7:30. It was a funny to finally see how Al goratory playing in a metalcore band. He even at gave in and all the antics, by raising his guitar into the air while he was playing. I bet shortly we'll be seeing him playing behind his head. On a positive note, they're new C. D. is almost done and I heard it is really good. They are just tweaking the last few things with it. the singer was the only person in the whole night who was on the barricade. None of the other bands went down there to sing and get the audience to sing along. Morbid angel: I hadn't seen at them since Steve Tucker left and David Vincent came back. Since I haven't seen any pictures I didn't know what to expect and I was expecting him to came out in full genitorture gear. but... he looked pretty normal from all what I was expecting with all of the goth music that he has been doing. they made his voice he used a lot different from what it was before. Not that that is especially a bad thing, but he it's just a different. It's a funny how basically every all time I see the band there is a line up change. Prediction: in 10 years, the morbid angel extravaganza reunion: steve tucker AND dave vincent eric rutan trey azagthoth dave lumbardo (re: testament's tour) at least just trey keeps it real and keeping the band alive and going. I wonder how brutal the next CD will be. Probably a lot like altars but who's to say. it will probably have some heavy distortion in it (re: newer CDs). They basically play all old tracks, not many in new tracks. this appeased the old morbid angel fans in the audience who paid at $25 just to see them and then a leave before soulfly started. Before at a played lords, Vincent talked about the pope being sick (not like a find the pope in the pizza). he said that he hopes the hope it gets a better because you need stuff in the world to hate. I definitely think he has a lot more crowd interaction then add the old singer. Most of the songs had trey shredding way loud in front of everything else. I think at that it drowned out to the rhythm guitar that the guy from the monstrosity was playing. Granted, you really can't beat treys "noodlie" riffs. They played for an hour and even had an encore. It was awesome. During chapel, everyone left the stage while trey shredded out echoy for the middle of chapel with the lights only on him. It came back in and everyone run out as the drum kicked back in, finishing out chapel of ghouls. Then there everyone left the stage quickly... and then back out for it be encore. Vincent came out back out and went on to the microphone, saying "How is it that I can say 'goodnight' but you won't let us leave". They sent out god of emptiness to dime bag Darryl. That was sort to of the theme for the night. |
______________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 3:04am - the_reverend ""] I did this mostly with speech to text.. so it's probably going to suck. Soulfly: well what can you say about soulfly. Their set has a lot of "jump up" to the music that they play. But there is still a little kid inside of me, that loves hearing old sepultura. They played for well over an hour, having been slated for an hour and a half for their set. If you look at the playlist they played it most songs on it.... however they unfortunately did not play be sepultura tracks until the end. I sort of a thought that they waited til the end, but I a look at the set list and it had them in the first set on the slate. I told my self three songs shooting, wait for the old school's songs and then you can Leave, but they tricked me and played the tracks basically last. below is a modified playlist from the one in the picture: prophecy living sacrifice seek born again downstroy jump/bring it frontline loth execution style wasting away porrada/drums tribe stay strong/tree (with his kid) intro: primatice roots attitude fast prophet eye for an eye Just like all the other shows they went from song into drumming. this time only inviting one person I on stage from a crowd to play along with them (hopefully the pictures I'll got show one on the guys favorite moments). They played that and then max's son came out and sang a song with him. I would have gotten a picture of the son high in the air... but I snapped a little too soon and then a little and too late, oops. One reason I stuck around to the end was I was transfixed by the number of times max changed his shirt... over five at times it during the whole set. I'm going to make a picture in ps showing all the different shirts he was during the set. It was a little bit odd to say the least, but I hear that he does that at all shows and they need to have a special changing room for him on the side of the stage. OCD? Maybe. Or as Lynnaeus said, maybe he just likes that freash from the dryer feel! A lot of people from the crowd waited around for an encore, but after 5 minutes realized it wasn't happening. On at my way out, I saw a group of guys across the street yelling about how soulfly sucks. And Max is a "pussy". I'm a guest saying and pretty much hoping, that it was some of the truest metal heads from this board that were out there, yelling that. It would be fully in their nature after having gone to the bar across the street after morbid angel got done. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 3:08am - Ninkaszi187 ""] amazing set. david vincent ruled. i was so happy by the end of the set. worth every penny. classic songs played perfectly. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 3:49am - Ninkaszi187 ""] "On at my way out, I saw a group of guys across the street yelling about how soulfly sucks. And Max is a "pussy". I'm a guest saying and pretty much hoping, that it was some of the truest metal heads from this board that were out there, yelling that. It would be fully in their nature after having gone to the bar across the street after morbid angel got done." hahahah who was that?????? |
_____________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 3:53am - Ninkaszi187 ""] i heard it was the masshole metal patrol beating up nu-metal kids. |
_____________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 3:56am - Ninkaszi187 ""] MAX IS A PUSSY!!! YOU FAGS KNOW NOTHING OF THE TROOPS OF DOOM!!!! |
___________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 4:22am - dread_104 ""] Goratory |
________________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 4:25am - grundlegremlin ""] morbid angel sucked since 92 |
______________________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 4:26am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] JUMP DE FACK UPPP! |
________________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 4:27am - grundlegremlin ""] Boo washu got wash u got wash u got u got BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
______________________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 4:29am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] UMBAMBARABUMBAKLAAT!!! |
________________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 4:30am - grundlegremlin ""] BOMMBAHHHBOOMBAH!!!!!!!!! Max Cavalera should kill himself. And so should Morbid Angel. Those guys are going to be due for jeritohl soon. |
__________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 4:39am - Kalopsia ""] reverend that speech to text program sucks balls. its like you're from Russia and speak broken english |
________________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 4:42am - grundlegremlin ""] I just turded on my shirt. |
____________________________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 10:10am - lynne too lazy to log in ""] it was an interesting night..... i didnt really catch the first band...... MA.. best ive EVER seen them live.... they were infuckingcredible last night!!!!! soulfly... wtf i wanted to hear sepultura songs. ya the only amusing thing about their set was the shirt changes. alright my lazy ass has to go do my pics. |
_________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 11:50am - razor6 ""] Great MA show!!!! I wanted to buy a MA baseball cap but they were sold out. Anyone know where I can find one? |
____________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 12:34pm - dread_104 ""] Kalopsia said:reverend that speech to text program sucks balls. its like you're from Russia and speak broken english is that what that is? I thought Rev was losin' it, or developed some kinda condition that i didn't wanna bring up...whew! :yoda: |
________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 1:20pm - retzam ""] lynne too lazy to log in said:soulfly... wtf i wanted to hear sepultura songs. ya the only amusing thing about their set was the shirt changes. alright my lazy ass has to go do my pics. You mean you didn't find the pointless double necked guitar amusing? |
______________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 1:41pm - the_reverend ""] ha! I said the same thing to lynne... and then in the intro to primative, a guy ran out on stage, plugged it in and he used in for that intro. |
__________________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 2:01pm - CarrotsandSticks ""] yah, I was the kid with retzam who was wearing the Morbid Angel hat for reference It was sweet. I had a few Soulfly fans who were in front of me tell me how fucking crazy we were. Pshhhh, I wasn't the one jumping when they started playing Rapture. I've been sick this past week, and before Morbid Angel I had my regular 8:00 exhaustion state. But I kept it real for them. I had a hard time picturing David Vinncent as some of sexual figure, but he was awsome on stage, lots of personality and such. During Where the Slime Lives I rocked to hard for my own good, and went to the bathroom to cough up a lung. But I came back and joined a head banging circle cause it looked to silly to pass up during Immortal Rites. I was hoping to hear Eyes to See, Ears to Hear or Inquisition. It would of been so boss to hear him sing the opening lines of Inquisition. |
______________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 2:07pm - swamplorddvm ""] retzam said:Oh yeah, Swamplord, were you wearing leather pants and hanging out over near the bar after Morbid Angel's set? HAHAHA nay. I wa not at the show. But next time you see me I'll be wearing leather pants.:spineyes: |
__________________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 2:07pm - CarrotsandSticks ""] ...also [img] since when did Joey Ramone shred? |
______________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 2:13pm - the_reverend ""] hah! |
______________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 2:24pm - the_reverend ""] I couldn't even make any sense of my review.... maybe I should get msword to do grammer checks for me... here is carina's fix burn in silence: Al and MAX were there even though Goratory was playing in down the street in Natick. I ran in for the last couple songs they were playing. Even though the show wasn't supposed to start until 8 p.m. they'd started at 7:30. It was a funny to finally see Al Goratory playing in a metalcore band. He even at gave in to all the antics, by raising his guitar into the air while he was playing. I bet shortly we'll be seeing him playing behind his head. On a positive note, their new CD is almost done and I heard it is really good. They are just tweaking the last few things with it now. The singer was the only person in the whole night that was on the barricade. None of the other bands went down there to sing and get the audience to sing along. Morbid angel: I hadn't seen at them since Steve Tucker left and David Vincent came back. Since I haven't seen any pictures I didn't know what to expect so I was expecting him to come out in full genitorture gear. but... he looked pretty normal compared to what I was expecting with all of the goth music that he has been doing. they made his voice a lot different from what it was before. Not that that is especially a bad thing, but it's just a different. It's a funny how basically every time I see the band there is a line up change. Prediction: in 10 years, the morbid angel extravaganza reunion: steve tucker AND dave vincent eric rutan trey azagthoth dave lombardo (re: testament's tour) at least trey keeps it real and is keeping the band alive and going. I wonder how brutal the next CD will be. Probably a lot like altars but who's to say. it will probably have some heavy distortion in it (re: newer CDs). They basically play all old tracks, not many new tracks. this appeased the old morbid angel fans in the audience who paid at $25 just to see them and then a leave before soulfly started. Before they played lords, Vincent talked about the pope being sick (not like find the pope in the pizza). he said that he hopes the pope gets better because you need stuff in the world to hate. I definitely think he has a lot more crowd interaction than the old singer. Most of the songs had trey shredding way loud in front of everything else. I think that it drowned out to the rhythm guitar that the guy from monstrosity was playing. Granted, you really can't beat trey’s "noodlie" riffs. They played for an hour and even had an encore. It was awesome. During chapel, everyone left the stage while trey shredded out echo-y for the middle of chapel with the lights only on him. they came back in and everyone ran out as the drums kicked back in, finishing out chapel of ghouls. Then everyone left the stage quickly... and then came back out for an encore. Vincent came out back out and went on to the microphone, saying "How is it that I can say 'goodnight' when you won't let us leave". They sent out god of emptiness to dime bag Darryl. That was sort of the theme for the night. Soulfly: well what can you say about soulfly. Their set has a lot of "jump up" to the music that they play. But there is still a little kid inside of me, that loves hearing old sepultura. They played for well over an hour, having been slated for an hour and a half set. If you look at the playlist they played most songs on it.... however they unfortunately did not play the sepultura tracks until the end. I sort of thought that they waited till the end, but as i look at the set list, it had them in the first set on the slate. I told myself three songs into shooting, wait for the old school songs and then you can leave, but they tricked me and played the tracks basically last. below is a modified playlist from the one in the picture: prophecy living sacrifice seek born again downstroy jump/bring it frontline loth execution style wasting away porrada/drums tribe stay strong/tree (with his kid) intro: primatice roots attitude fast prophet eye for an eye Just like all the other shows, they went from song into drumming. this time only inviting one person on stage from the crowd to play along with them (hopefully the pictures I got show one of the guy’s favorite moments). They played that and then max's son came out and sang a song with him. I would have gotten a picture of his son high in the air... but I snapped a little too soon and then a little and too late, oops. One reason I stuck around to the end was that I was transfixed by the number of times max changed his shirt... over five times during the whole set. I'm going to make a picture in ps showing all the different shirts he was wearing during the set. It was a little bit odd to say the least, but I hear that he does that at all shows and they need to have a special changing room for him on the side of the stage. OCD? Maybe. Or as Lynneaeus said, maybe he just likes that fresh from the dryer feel! A lot of people from the crowd waited around for an encore, but after 5 minutes realized it wasn't happening. On my way out, I saw a group of guys across the street yelling about how soulfly sucks. And Max is a "pussy". I'm guessing and pretty much hoping, that it was some of the truest metal heads from this board that were out there, yelling that. It would be fully in their nature after having gone to the bar across the street after morbid angel got done. |
__________________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 3:04pm - CarrotsandSticks ""] I was scratching my head plenty reading that previous version |
________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 4:55pm - retzam ""] hahaha as was I I got the general picture though. I like the screen name Chris. |
________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 5:19pm - retzam ""] swamplorddvm said:HAHAHA nay. I wa not at the show. But next time you see me I'll be wearing leather pants.:spineyes: Are we talking assless chaps? |
______________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 5:51pm - swamplorddvm ""] Is that what you want? ;) |
________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 9:04pm - retzam ""] Assless, crotchless, it's all good. |
______________________________ [Feb 28,2005 2:15pm - CNV ""] David Vincent gave an amazing performance. Way better then any of the times I saw them play with Tucker. Pete Sandoval's drum set is brilliant. The pentagram cage! Totally spellbinding performance. Hopefully Vincent will be on the next record... |
____________________________________ [Feb 28,2005 2:21pm - paganmegan ""] I thought they sounded nearly flawless |
____________________________________ [Feb 28,2005 2:22pm - paganmegan ""] Morbid angel that is.. I didn't bother with anything else |
_____________________________________ [Feb 28,2005 2:34pm - RustedAngel ""] looks like trey got a new neck finally put on his iron bird. [img] [img] |
____________________________________ [Feb 28,2005 2:36pm - paganmegan ""] Trey rules |
________________________________ [Feb 28,2005 2:36pm - retzam ""] Yeah, they definitely nailed everything. I also loved chanting along to those parts in Immortal Rites and Chapel Of Ghouls. |
________________________________ [Feb 28,2005 3:13pm - Hooker ""] Dear, Soulfly. Stop existing. All of you just die so Max can down a handful of anti-faggotry pills and get Sepultura back to Arise status. Death. |
___________________________________________ [Mar 1,2005 10:54pm - late to the show ""] can anyone tell me what Morbid Angel opened with on the 28th at BBKings? |
______________________________________ [Mar 1,2005 11:36pm - the_reverend ""] I'm sure it was the same. look at the set list. |
____________________________________ [Mar 3,2005 11:23am - anonymous ""] my thoughts exactly ![]() |
____________________________________ [Mar 3,2005 11:32am - anonymous ""] what the fuck? am i the only one who thinks that fucking morbid angle sucks big hairy balls?apparently im not tight with satan so i guess i wouldnt like the shitty music they play. god, they suck and the only remotely good band there was the first one which obviously wasnt even all that grand since i cant remember their fucking name. this show was a waste of my fucking time. frigging 80's death metal shit. |
____________________________________ [Mar 3,2005 11:35am - paganmegan ""] Okay buddy. I'd like to see you play guitar like trey azagthoth and then call their music shitty |
________________________________ [Mar 5,2005 12:52am - retzam ""] Why bother responding to an anonymous poster? |
_______________________________________________ [Mar 5,2005 12:59am - coldnorthernvengeance ""] anonymous said:what the fuck? am i the only one who thinks that fucking morbid angle sucks big hairy balls?apparently im not tight with satan so i guess i wouldnt like the shitty music they play. god, they suck and the only remotely good band there was the first one which obviously wasnt even all that grand since i cant remember their fucking name. this show was a waste of my fucking time. frigging 80's death metal shit. Your a total faggot that hangs out with his fag friends at the mall.. Metal core faggot to be exact. Fight me.... |
_______________________________________________ [Mar 5,2005 12:59am - coldnorthernvengeance ""] |
___________________________________ [Mar 8,2005 1:47pm - anonymous ""] its so funny how you all get so defensive about such a shitty band. ![]() |
___________________________________ [Mar 8,2005 1:48pm - anonymous ""] and i will fight you and kick your fucking ass then all your gay 80's metal satan loving friends will laugh at you because you got ripped by a fucking girl. |
___________________________________ [Mar 8,2005 1:49pm - anonymous ""] burn in hell and have a wonderful day ![]() |
__________________________________ [Mar 8,2005 1:53pm - dreadkill ""] morbid angel is one of the most important metal bands of all time. if you can't wrap your head around that FACT then you shouldn't be on a metal message board. |
_______________________________ [Mar 8,2005 6:18pm - retzam ""] anonymous said:its so funny how you all get so defensive about such a shitty band. ![]() The comedic value of everything you said is "so funny" is nothing compared to that of your continuous anonymous badmouthing. |
_________________________________________ [Mar 12,2005 8:25pm - christ of hell ""] you dont seem to know much slut |
_________________________________________ [Mar 12,2005 8:27pm - christ of hell ""] anonymous said:its so funny how you all get so defensive about such a shitty band. ![]() fuck open mindedness you worthless cunt |
______________________________________________ [Mar 12,2005 9:02pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] anonymous said:and i will fight you and kick your fucking ass then all your gay 80's metal satan loving friends will laugh at you because you got ripped by a fucking girl. Hi Otep |
____________________________________ [Mar 14,2005 2:50pm - anonymous ""] you think name calling is gonna hurt me. seriously kid, grow some fucking balls. apparently yours havent dropped yet. im glad to see your taking this well. keep only makes me happy. and your just mad because im anonymous. nice name by the way fag ![]() |
____________________________________ [Mar 14,2005 2:56pm - anonymous ""] what would it matter if i had a name? you would still be calling me names just cause your stupid music sux. i could have any name and it wouldnt matter. you still would never find out who i am and even if you did you could never do anything about it. so stop taking stabs at anominity. you are all so angry ![]() |
___________________________________ [Mar 14,2005 3:20pm - dreadkill ""] anonymous said:what would it matter if i had a name? you would still be calling me names just cause your stupid music sux. i could have any name and it wouldnt matter. you still would never find out who i am and even if you did you could never do anything about it. so stop taking stabs at anominity. you are all so angry ![]() i want to rub my ass against your face |
______________________________________ [Mar 14,2005 3:27pm - the_reverend ""] I want to take pictures of said event. |
________________________________ [Mar 14,2005 3:29pm - Hooker ""] careful not to say anything about king diamond, dude. |
____________________________________ [Mar 14,2005 6:16pm - BornSoVile ""] anonymous said:burn in hell and have a wonderful day ![]() hahah, telling metalheads to burn in hell is like telling a porn star go fuck a niggah. wicked lame guy. |
____________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 1:06pm - anonymous ""] rub your ass against my face....hmmmm. not only are you a satan lover but now you are a sex freak......really someone worth giving my time to. why dont you try focusing on the sucky music you listen to and go find a frigging chat room to voice your sexual desires in.. i think you might have homosexual should really check into that.:middlefinger: |
____________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 1:13pm - anonymous ""] BornSoVile said:anonymous said:burn in hell and have a wonderful day ![]() hahah, telling metalheads to burn in hell is like telling a porn star go fuck a niggah. wicked lame guy. exactly. thats the point numb nuts. i can see that you are really intelligent and not prejudice at all. are you from NH? That explains it. okay, so i think morbid angle sux. get over. we are all aloud to express our opinions. not everyone is gonna like them. i dont wanna here about porn. if i wanted to i would go to your mom about that ![]() |
____________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 1:14pm - paganmegan ""] go away and its spelled morbid ANGEL |
_______________________________ [Mar 15,2005 1:15pm - dan. ""] morbid angle ahahahhahahahahahahahahaha the most evil corner of hell....the MORBID ANGLE! |
____________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 1:17pm - paganmegan ""] hee hee 666 degrees- the morbid angle |
______________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 1:23pm - swamplorddvm ""] wtf, I never learned that in school. |
______________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 1:49pm - angrybanshee ""] gorgish said:why the fuck is MA playing with soulfly??? thats what i was wondering when i found out. |
_______________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 1:50pm - litacore nli ""] strange. |
_________________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 3:23pm - dreaminginexile ""] I love reading posts from stupid people that like to rip on good bands... dreadkill made me laugh about the ass rubbing comment, you have to make sure you're sweaty and nasty with a bad case of swamp ass first, and if said event does happen, I'll chip in for Rev to buy the D2x to photo the event. To anonymous: just because you dislike MA, you don't need to rip on them, just go quietly back to your ICP collection. |
___________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 4:05pm - dreadkill ""] i won't wipe for weeks. we'll see how anonymous likes my shit on his cheeks. |
___________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 4:06pm - dreadkill ""] i'll leave a shit stain on his face in the shape of the morbid angel logo. |
_________________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 4:10pm - dreaminginexile ""] :newhorns: btw, you might want ot be a recluse for those few weeks... I don't think anyone would want to smell swamp ass... |
___________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 4:17pm - dreadkill ""] i'll give my girlfriend a preview |
_________________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 4:19pm - dreaminginexile ""] dreadkill said:i'll give my girlfriend a preview :pukeface: I'm sure she'll adore that... |
___________________________________ [Mar 15,2005 4:43pm - dreadkill ""] dreaminginexile said:dreadkill said:i'll give my girlfriend a preview :pukeface: I'm sure she'll adore that... don't worry, she has been trained well with dutch ovens. it will only make her a better fear factor contestant someday. :spineyes: |
____________________________________ [Mar 16,2005 8:49am - anonymous ""] wow you are retards. im a girl so you can stop sayind "him". and you all are pigs and not worth my time or energy. and your girlfriend is a dirty whore. |
_____________________________________ [Mar 16,2005 8:58am - RustedAngel ""] okay this thread is gay, everyone stop replying to this girl. |
__________________________________________ [Mar 16,2005 10:39am - dreaminginexile ""] anonymous all are pigs and not worth my time or energy. so why did you reply again? anonymous said:and your girlfriend is a dirty whore. I didn't know he was dating you Tom's right, this thread has gotten out of hand ^Last Post |
____________________________________ [Mar 17,2005 9:01am - anonymous ""] i won |