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[QUOTE="the_reverend:215311"]http://www.mobiledia.com/news/26167.html and here's the list ( for one am calling christ): ------------------------------- ? Cory +1-443-812-2521 A, Christina 323-314-1960 Abraham, Josh joshabraham@mac.com A., Marco marcodemarco@tmail.com A., Marco marcodemarco@tmail.com Alastra, Tommy TAlastra@aol.com Abraham, Josh joshabraham@attwireless.blackberry.net Abrhams, Johnnie 1-917-648-2434 Adrien RECKLESSPRODUCTIONSNET Adrien 1-917-833-7685 Aftab 1-310-483-5326 Aguilera, Christina 1-310-917-9191 Aid, Rite 323-876-4466 Aire, Chris caire@nextel.blackberry.net Aire, Chris caire@nextel.blackberry.net Akiva, Richie 1-646-236-4747 Akiva, Richie rmakiva@tmo.blackberry.net Akiva, Richie 646-336-4747 Aldridge, Lily 1-310-367-3205 Alegria, Vincent valegria04@sprintpcs.com Allie 1-310-447-4448 Allie 1-310-447-4448 Alpert, Van 1-786-597-6537 Alpert, Van 1-786-597-6537 Altice, Summer 1-714-928-2494 AM 1-310-864-2424 A.M., DJ djam@tmail.com Am, Dj CXTDJAM@aol.com AM hm 1-323-851-3331 Amy Sacco 1-917-518-0101 Amy 1-310-200-5085 Anders 1-310-650-0393 Andrew +1-310-213-5843 Anissa ani07@tmail.com Antonia 1-702-400-7426 Aoki, Devon 1-917-363-7954 April Shaw love 1-310-962-7090 Ardi, Ralph famous8621@tmail.com Ardizzone, Cory cardizzone@tmail.com Ashl, Lauren 1-512-655-4940 Ashlee 1-310-709-1957 Asst, Chad 1-910-470-3456 Att 1-310-721-9301 Australia, Me 011-61-401707012 Azoff, Allison allison.azoff@azoffmusic.com Azoff, Allison 1-310-488-9363 Bgi, Gardie gardie@tmail.com B, Shannon shanast5800@tmail.com Baker, Ken ken.baker@usmagazine.com Benny medinaAsst PFAsst@handprintent.com Benson, Michelle (NYC-PH) michelle.benson@pmkhbh.com Berg, Z 1-310-435-4932 Betty davis eyes 1-310-273-5593 Bij Home 1-323-316-5528 323-936-7150 bijou@tmo.blackberry.net Billy 1-901-870-6969 Bisnaught, Nicole missafficialknicx@tmail.com Blake 1-310-924-2222 Blake 1-310-924-2222 Blue, Elijah 1-310-254-4380 Bowwow boywonder@tmail.com Breeze breeze66@tmail.com Breeze breeze66@tmail.com Breeze breeze66@tmail.com Brenner, Jonathan 1-213-896-6634 Britt, Lacy 1-832-229-7609 Burrow, Taj Burrow, Taj 1-760-403-6438 Crowther, Justin jcrow@tmail.com Cabotaje, JR jrcabotaje@tmail.com Cam 1-305-776-8683 Candy candycane@tmail.com Cantrell, Blu 1-917-679-9923 Carey btos 1-503-313-6906 Caroline Assistant 1-305-546-3811 Carter, Mel nofrontin@tmail.com Carter, Sara 1-323-395-8128 Carter, Shawn scarter@tmail.com Carter, Shawn scarter@tmail.com Chaya 1-310-859-8833 Cheban, Jonathan jcheban@commandpr.com Cheryl Cheryl_Woodcock@paramount.com Chows, Mr. 1-310-278-9911 Chrisse 1-310-435-3930 Christ bamn@tmail.com Cipes, Greg 1-323-252-7156 greg@gregcypes.com Cjudd@tmail.com Cody +1-817-320-9406 Cohen, Leore 1-212-275-3333 Cole, Taylor 1-323-788-8247 Collin CCnRJ@tmail.com Columbo Connelly, Kevin 1-213-700-1900 Conrad cradhilton@aol.com Cont, Chris +1-646-243-4702 Contogouris, Chris chriscontogouris@mac.com Contogouris, Chris chriscontogouris@mac.com Corinne 1-323-383-7173 Cothran, Brian bcot@tmail.com Crowther, Justin jcrow@tmail.com Crowther, Justin jcrow@tmail.com Customer Care Work 1-800-937-8997 Danny, Guess 1-310-556-0123 Dad 1-310-871-7848 Dahlberg, Emily emily.dahlberg@pmkhbh.com Daily, Eg 1-213-999-9569 1-323-851-5179 Damore, Caroline 1-310-701-1414 Daniel 1-310-486-3602 Darius 1-646-733-1204 Darryl 516-581-9607 DatBalla datballa@tmail.com Dave, Super 1-323-650-2085 David 1-310-228-7072 Davis, Brandon 1-310-402-4227 Davis, Kim 1-760-702-0641 Deryck 1-416-709-5737 bizzyd@nettwerk.com Diego 011-52-5554077122 Diego 1-310-980-3739 Dillinger daz@tmail.com Diva 1-323-273-3482 DOLLPHACE76@aol.com (View this contact.) DOLLPHACE76@aol.com (View this contact.) DOLLPHACE76@aol.com (View this contact.) DOLLPHACE76@aol.com (View this contact.) Dominic and jeff 1-310-498-6290 Donught +1-310-562-2753 Dorazio, Sante 1-917-348-0349 Dorman, Lauren laurenkickzit@tmail.com Doug 1-310-339-3789 Dr par 1-310-650-2032 Dupri, Jermaine slash72@tmail.com Durst, Fred 1-310-948-0808 Durst, Fred fd@attwireless.blackberry.net Dweck, Bert I. bidweck@berkshireinc.com E, Shannon 310-770-3474 Egplant dike ass 1-310-279-3866 Eliza 1-310-922-5265 Elliot 1-213-712-8219 Elliot Elliotmintz@aol.com Eminem 1-917-776-7643 Eric 1-310-309-7626 Famous, Rich not runmyownlife@tmail.com Fatima 1-310-270-3992 Fatima 1-310-270-3992 Feed the children 235-933-98001 Fergie +1-323-855-9056 Fergie bepfergie@tmail.com Figueroa, Adriana illestmami925@tmail.com Fiona 1-917-412-6061 Fisher, Steve 1-310-699-1400 Flynn, Boe 323-376-1366 Ford, Prince wants to do trackT tqford@tmail.com Forester, Leah leahforester@comcast.net Forester, Leah princessleah@tmail.com Foulks, Ashley ashleyfoulks@tmail.com Fred Mobile 407-402-7845 Personal onlyartist@tmail.com French, Sierra 1-310-418-6892 Freston, Andrew Andrew.Freston@umusic.com Freston, Andrew Andrew.Freston@umusic.com Fux, Connor 1-908-489-0289 goddessparis@tmail.com (View this contact.) G, R Griffiths, Wendy (WBR) Wendy.Griffiths@WBR.com Griffiths, Wendy (WBR) Wendy.Griffiths@WBR.com Gael 011-52-5554089069 Gair 917-640-3553 Gardie 1-310-880-8388 Geffen, Jeremy 1-310-925-7821 Geoffrey 1-917-327-3072 Geoffrey 1-310-433-7249 Gerard, Mathew 1-310-656-9898 GIANT★, ★NeW YoRk cluemanatt@trial.danger.com GIANT★, ★NeW dj clue YoRk cluemanatt@trial.danger.com Girl Goddess, Paris godesparis@aol.com Gold, Sarah nycpeach1@tmail.com Gordon, Masha 1-310-500-5990 Gorgeous, Cam 1-213-219-0169 Gotti, Victoria 516-313-4679 Grand, Soho Green, Seth 1-323-573-0046 Griffiths, Wendy (WBR) Wendy.Griffiths@WBR.com Gunn, Justin 310-245-4866 guyo, guyo guyo@imcingular.com House, Paris 1-310-550-1472 H, Victoria 1-310-800-7701 Hansen, Brett HansenB@unitedtalent.com Harris, Dr. Randy 1-310-247-8870 Harris, Randy 310-247-8895 Harvey, Victoris zulu@tmail.com Hawk, Nick 1-310-480-7335 1-323-851-1639 hawk@tmo.blackberry.net Hawk, Nick hawk@tmo.blackberry.net Henry 1-305-305-0404 Hervey, Victoria zulu@tmail.com Hill, Andy crusher@tmail.com Hilton 260-9ANG Hilton, Nicky +1-310-926-5149 Hilton, Paris parishilton@tmail.com Hilton, Rick Hilt4321@aol.com Hilton, San fransico 415-771-1400 Hilton, Tyler 1-818-335-3838 Hoffman, Gina gina.hoffman@pmkhbh.com Hooper, Nellee 011-44-7768355555 Hooper, nellee nellee@meanwhile.co.uk Hooper, nellee nellee@meanwhile.co.uk Hot, David 1-310-228-7072 Hot 1-310-925-7821 Hotel, Mercer 1-212-966-6060 Hotel, Soho grand 1-212-965-3000 Inc, Mo.Rilla.The morilla_theinc@tmail.com Incunus girl 310-367-3205 Ingrid 1-305-606-0832 Ingrid Caesares 1-305-606-0832 Irena 1-310-210-3893 J, Chris 1-310-628-5432 j (View this contact.) Jacquie 1-917-669-8833 Jaime, Julio pafromdaheightz@tmail.com Jama 1-310-493-0700 Jared padelecki 1-310-403-0475 Jason 1-310-490-0161 Jay museBrian 310-927-2938 Jeff Jeff 1-310-993-3162 Jenets, Cheryl Cheryl.Jenets@wbr.com Jenets, Cheryl Cheryl.Jenets@wbr.com Jenets, Cheryl Cheryl.Jenets@wbr.com Jeremy 1-310-925-7821 Jessica 1-917-957-2468 Joe 1-310-440-1436 Joffe, Wayne 1-310-908-4899 John Hair 1-818-613-6574 Jones, Jason bigmama@tmail.com Jones, Jason bigmama@tmail.com Jones, Jason bigmama@tmail.com Jones, Kidada 1-310-702-3767 Josh TheOzzy30@aol.com Josh 1-410-877-0711 K, Chris 310-962-8759 K, Elis 1-646-369-8736 K, Elisabeth 1-310-273-3481 K, Fred onlyartist@tmail.com K, Nick 011-33-675246261 Kardashian, Kim 1-818-232-1688 Kelly 917-691-5444 Kendra Kidwell, Damon 1-310-413-0859 King, Stephen freeway5@tmail.com Kirk 1-917-553-7443 Kitchen, Spanish 1-310-659-4794 Knass, Erin 1-917-599-6883 Koi 1-310-659-9449 Koi 1-310-659-9449 Korolev, Dmitri sellerguy7@tmail.com Kournikova, Anna 305-206-5883 Kristoff kristoff@tmail.com L, Adam sudgee@tmail.com sudgee222@aol.com Lopez, Peter PLopez@kllce.com Lachappelle, David 1-917-513-2859 Lance 1-702-280-1141 Las vegsa, Ashley dru 702-580-3317 Lasry, Phil 1-514-825-7174 Lauren 310-741-2333 Lauren lauren.tabach-bank@teenpeople.com Lavigne, Avril 1-613-532-4092 L.b.w.★★, ★★Boy wonder boywonder@tmail.com Leelee 1-917-514-0190 LEGEND:., :.YOUNG djyounglegend@attwireless.blackberry.net Lenny 1-305-481-7001 Levin, Alex 1-323-578-4979 Levine, Adam 323-384-5068 Levine, Adam sudgee@tmail.com Liat 1-323-974-0880 Libel, Cody 1-817-320-9406 Life, Glamorest candycane@tmail.com Lil John 1-678-362-6742 8886023112skytel Lindsey, Josh liquidice@tmail.com Lionetti, Jerk magnetJoey joeyselect@attwireless.blackberry.net Lohan, Dina 1-516-816-3004 Lohan, Lindsay +1-347-596-9990 Lohan, Lindsay crossheart@tmail.com Long, Brian 1-917-294-7370 Lookadoo, Erica 1-310-925-1901 Lopez, Carlos 1-310-962-9174 Lopez, Peter 1-818-391-4642 Lopez, 60 thompson Barbara 1-310-204-6461 Louis Warren, Jr. louiswarren@tmail.com Lucas 1-310-597-0442 Luvi 1-310-413-2502 M, Carolyn 1-310-926-5462 Moore, Jason moore@untitledent.com Mabe, Chris 443-610-8020 Maloof, George 1-702-219-5200 Margolis, Ashley 1-310-962-6732 Mark quikkings711@tmail.com MARTINEZ, JOSE jose@hs-pr.com Martinez, Teddy teddymartinez@tmail.com matter, doesntm parisisthehottest@yahoo.com Maxim michelle 1-310-278-5923 Mcknight, Clyde clydemcknight@tmail.com Me house 1-323-656-1728 Meadows, Michael michaelmeadows25@tmail.com Mendez, Robert auto@tmail.com Meyer, Sarah sarahmeyer@tmo.blackberry.net Meza, Jose whitemenace@tmail.com Meza, Jose whitemenace@tmail.com Miami new yrs 1-760-409-2174 Michael 1-310-383-6016 Michelle 1-917-733-4160 Mintz, Elliott 1-312-656-0680 Mitra, Rhona 1-323-697-7520 mlmo724@tmail.com (View this contact.) mlmo724@tmail.com (View this contact.) Model, Taylor 1-323-788-8247 Mom 1-310-471-3026 Moore, Jason moore@untitledent.com Moore, Jason moore@untitledent.com Moore, Jason moore@untitledent.com Moore, Jason moore@untitledent.com Mote, Logan loganmote@tmail.com Muniz, Frankie fmuniz@tmail.com Murphy, Brendan +1-646-752-3609 Musix darlene 615-260-6569 Muska, Chad +1-323-547-0552 Neo/jason neo410_01@tmail.com Newell, Tyler jaderboy@tmail.com Newson, San fran gavin 1-415-722-9876 Nick hawk 1-310-480-7335 nickyhilton@tmail.com (View this contact.) Nitch, Ryan ryan6@tmail.com Nitch, Ryan ryan6@tmail.com Noras 323-651-4581 Nowalski, Nikki dixa@tmail.com NY, Prive 1-212-274-8888 O, Guy guyo@imcingular.com O, Pat Pat_O'Brien@paramount.com Obrien, Pat Pat_O'Brien@paramount.com Olsen, Ashley 1-310-760-1996 onlyartist@tmail.com (View this contact.) Ornelas, Christian J. CJOrnelas@kllce.com Oseary, Guy guyo@imcingular.com Oseary, Guy OU, PNStaR pnstar@tmail.com Ovadia, Rachael rachaelo@tmail.com P, BIG BIGPERCY@tmo.blackberry.net Pijeau, Jean streetz11429@tmail.com Paige 1-818-625-8289 Panniell, Jason neo410_01@tmail.com Paris 310-907-6224 Paris mom, Marianna 011-30-6945155015 Parry, Heather 1-323-236-9000 Party guy 1-651-343-0136 Pat, Dr 1-310-582-1114 Paul Random polo2004@tmail.com Pearlman, Ronald 1-212-572-5060 Peele, Barry bp@barrypeele.com Peter 310-345-5372 Peters, Christine 1-310-850-3770 Peterson, Hunter hunterpeterson@tmail.com Pharrel 1-646-824-1999 Philippoussis, Mark mark7@tmail.com Phillipoussis, Mark 011-61-411454444 Phillipoussis, Mark +61-411454444 Phillips, Bijou 1-323-316-5528 Phillips, Bijou 1-323-316-5528 Pijeau, Jean streetz11429@tmail.com Plant, Adam Security 562-494-8630 Popeil, Lauren 1-310-415-0404 Popoo 1-310-919-7614 Power, Katherine 1-323-244-9002 Powers, Shane spowers@mycingular.blackberry.net R, Larry 1-917-751-2220 Rachel 1-305-772-5089 Rachel 1-310-968-5952 raffles raffles@maxrecords.info Random RonnieBautista@tmail.com Rashid 1-917-333-6855 Reitman, Joe joeugly@msn.com Rich, Richie 1-469-878-1382 RiCheLLe richellexoxo@tmail.com Richie, Miss Nicole NRichie@tmo.blackberry.net Richie, Nicole nrichie@mycingular.blackberry.net Richie 1-213-319-5323 Rick 310-463-9651 Riley, Darnell 661-478-9000 Roddick, Andy 1-512-228-2207 Ronson, Samantha 1-917-693-2171 Rowan, Amanga 1-917-202-5507 Ruhstaller, Matt Matt.Ruhstaller@tmo.blackberry.net Rumer rubytuesday@tmail.com Ryan Ryan 1-310-699-8847 S, A 1-310-709-1957 S, John 1-818-968-0142 S, Scott 1-917-459-5715 Sartiano, Scott 1-917-319-6331 Sawczenko, Nicole 443-812-2523 Scaggs, Austin 1-917-903-1100 Scala, La 310-275-0579 Schiller, Anthony 1-310-980-9895 Schneider, Scott sschneider@tmail.com Schulman, Jessie 1-310-801-6639 Schulman, Jessie jschul@tmail.com Schulman, Jessie Mobile Personal 310-801-6639 310-985-3428 jschul@tmail.com Schulman, Jessie jschul@tmail.com Seed 1-866-625-7635 Segal 917-345-8264 Select 1-646-932-2075 Sentanni, Louis 1-856-803-7047 showbizkid16@aol.com "Sh" 1-917-733-3455 Shantell 1-310-422-2739 Shapiro, Pj 1-310-435-7221 Shapiro, Robert 1-310-556-7886 rshapiro@chrismill.com Shauna 1-310-993-5554 Shavan 1-862-202-1102 1-973-680-4894 Shriftman, Lara laras@imcingular.com Shriftman, Lara 1-310-657-8686 Shuman, Jonny jonny@tmail.com Sienna 1-646-373-6805 Simmons, Russel 1-212-840-9399 Simpson, Ashlee 1-310-254-7114 Smikle, Vallen 305-216-8989 SMOKEY smokey@americamag.us Sonya 1-310-948-0066 Sorum, Matt 1-323-314-1944 Southwest Airlines 1-800-435-9792 Spiritus, Lisa lisa@boostmobile.com Spiritus, Lisa lisa@boostmobile.com Stewart, Kimberly sexystewart@tmail.com Stewart, Sean 1-310-963-2000 Stewart, Sean 1-310-963-2000 Swanson, Bank jermeny 1-310-401-3303 jswan@tmail.com T, Brandon 18653008856 T, J 406-832-7770 Tiffany tiffanytreadwell@tmail.com Taryn 1-323-428-6180 Tatto dr frank ryan Bh Tepperberg, Noah Noah@StrategicGroup.tv Tepperberg, Noah Noah@StrategicGroup.tv Tepperberg, Noah Noah@StrategicGroup.tv Tepperberg, Noah Noah@StrategicGroup.tv Tessa 1-310-774-7173 Thorpe, Alexis 1-310-999-1025 Thorpe, Alexis lex33@tmail.com ÞΘÏ₤₤Ý☆, ☆₥Ø₮ŽÝ₥Ã₪ ؃ nelmotzyesquire@tmail.com Traina, Nessie 1-310-801-6454 Trentham, Brandon +1-865-300-8856 Troy Simple life 213-248-5465 Tubby 1-323-481-7482 Twiggy 1-310-871-1958 UniQue, StyleZz stylezz@tmail.com United airlines 1-800-864-8331 Usher crusher@tmail.com V, Holly 323-620-1079 Valerie 1-310-408-6992 Valetta, Amber 1-917-328-2370 Vegas 1-702-210-3112 Velger, Natalie Victor 1-310-770-7336 Victor valegria02@sprintpcs.com Victoria gotti 1-516-484-0801 Vin 1-917 Vin Diesel +1-310-279-6312 Vision, 3D Da threedee@tmail.com W, Jane 1-310-801-6509 Willis, Steven stevenwillis@tmail.com W., Steve stevew32@tmail.com Wagner, Courtney 1-310-699-9495 http://illmob.org/tmobile [/QUOTE]
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