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Enemy of God

[Feb 24,2005 11:58am - paganmegan ""]
The new kreator CD is pretty awesome. Granted, it is not pleasure to kill, but it still rules. Good n thrashy. >:]
[Feb 24,2005 12:04pm - litacore ""]
not bad for a band nearing 20 years old, I like the return to their roots
[Feb 24,2005 12:13pm - paganmegan ""]
I think it sounds alot like violent revolution, perhaps a bit better. After I've listened to the CD a few more times I will have a more formed opinion
[Feb 24,2005 12:18pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
i've only heard the title track but it sounded damn good to me
[Feb 24,2005 12:22pm - paganmegan ""]
I recommend it highly. They are obviously getting up there in age, but they still thrash goddammit
[Feb 24,2005 12:26pm - the_reverend ""]
it is really f'n good.
they are recycling a bit in this one... some of the songs I'm like "is this a cover..." but it's not.
[Feb 24,2005 12:28pm - metalmatt666 ""]
I was debating wether or not to get this but with all it's good reviews I'll have to say i'll go for it
[Feb 24,2005 12:30pm - Christraper ""]
i got bored with violent revolution. ill have to hear it first.
[Feb 24,2005 12:50pm - dan.  ""]
im so fucking stoked to be seeing them !!!!!!!
[Feb 24,2005 12:53pm - paganmegan ""]
I cannot wait to see Kreator!!!!!
[Feb 24,2005 12:57pm - dan.  ""]
SERIOUSLY!!!!!!! hahaha no seriously its gonna be fucking badass. do you know of any videos of a:

kreator/sodom/destruction show?

cuz you know it happened.... oh man....
[Feb 24,2005 1:05pm - paganmegan ""]
That is what I am saying! A kreator, sodom and destruction show would be so fucking awesome!
[Feb 24,2005 1:07pm - dan.  ""]
what i wouldnt give to be in germany in the mid 80s...
[Feb 24,2005 1:11pm - paganmegan ""]
I would have worn leather pants and listened to german thrash
[Feb 24,2005 1:13pm - litacore ""]
I saw Kreator in '87 with Voivod.

who wants to lick my toes?
[Feb 24,2005 1:16pm - paganmegan ""]
I won't lick your fucking toes but I will say I am jealous!
[Feb 24,2005 1:24pm - dan.  ""]
uhhh killing technology/terrible certainty? YOU BITCH!
[Feb 24,2005 1:24pm - dan.  ""]
wait...that was the tour for those albums right? if so, YOU BITCH!
[Feb 24,2005 2:33pm - Josh_Martin ""]
dan. said:SERIOUSLY!!!!!!! hahaha no seriously its gonna be fucking badass. do you know of any videos of a:

kreator/sodom/destruction show?

cuz you know it happened.... oh man....

I've seen Sodom and Destruction together and I've seen Kreator and Destruction together, but never all 3.
[Feb 24,2005 2:34pm - dan.  ""]
woah, when did you see that?
[Feb 24,2005 2:34pm - dan.  ""]
destruction is pretty much the greatest band ever
[Feb 24,2005 2:38pm - paganmegan ""]
Destruction are so fucking awesome. Have kreator and sodom done shows together? I imagine they must have at some point...

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