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Danzig/kataklysm/Trivium/Eyes of Fire

[Feb 26,2005 4:02pm - metalmatt666 ""]
last night was my 17th birthday and for it I went to his concert at the Cleveland Agora

I got there just after eyes of fire went on they were okay nothing special
then i heard Trivium they were pretty fucking good So i went and bought there Ember to Inferno CD then I got to see Kataklysm That was fun I got my ass kicked and beer spilled on me in the mosh pit. Then of course Danzig went on This was probobly the most fun i have ever had at a concert in along fucking time i'm still sore this morning i dont care what the fuck anyone says about how he plays shitty music now He still kicks hust as much ass as he did 12 years ago (even though he does have a bald spot)

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