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The Horrible Trip

[Feb 27,2005 5:06am - grundlegremlin ""]
A guy wakes up in his car realizing he had just killed his girlfriend. His knuckles were still bleeding while he clenched a 45 in his right hand and a straight razor in his left. "What did I just do?????!!!!!" He screams as he is looking at his arsenal and bloody hands. He pounds on the gas of his car which soon breaks down at what apears to be an intersection. He is getting paranoid about the hainous crime he has just commited not an hour before he left his apartment. He hears the screams as though she is still begging for her life in his ear.PATHETIC! "She deserved to die."Who did she think she was fooling?" He began to ask himself as he was carving her name into his chest with the razor. A sudden thought of comfort then came over him as he started to bleed to death in the front seat. A feeling that reminded him of home. Had this been the worst period of time to ever go through?Or had he found peace through death.........He started to realize as the effects of the acid he took before he left home wore off, that he thought he had just caught his girlfriend cheating with a carrot in an S&M suit.
[Feb 27,2005 8:54am - DreamingInExile ""]
I think you do too much acid my friend...
[Feb 27,2005 11:33am - metalmatt666 ""]
[Feb 27,2005 12:38pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
there is this song by this famous acoustic guitarist guy. He's known for finger picking...

it's about this cowboy that is on mesculin and thinks he's robbed, so he chases the robber, who also has stolen his guns. He ends up trying to fight him but as the mesculin wears off he realizes he shot his friends and they never even robbed him in the first place.

that's an anti-drug ad if I ever heard one!

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