New Satanic blackkk metal!![views:1201][posts:1]_______________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 7:54am - Belial Risen ""] I know..made you look under false pretenses...get over it... SALE AT LOST DISCIPLE RECORDS!!! From Now til 3/13/05 you can get tons of brutal titles for short change!! This will be the last sale untill after the NEMHF so don't hold off!! LOOK!! 1 cd = regular price, 2-5 = $9 ea., 6-9 = $8 ea., 100 or more $7 ea. Nokturnal Mortum---Horncrowned---Meads of Asphodel---Sunwheel---Gontyna Kry---Satanizer---Order From Chaos---Averse Sefira---Krieg---Leviathan---Judas Iscariot---Elite---Ashen Light---Black Witchery---Fog---Carpathian Forest---Infernum---Fafner---Blodarv---Wind of the Black Mountains---Annihilatus---Marduk---Saltus---Svartpest---Seth---Havohej---Astarte---Pest---Shroud---Summon---Beheaded Lamb---Avenger---Mortuary Drape---Vinterrikket---Lucifugum---Harvist and TONS more!! The sale prices are NOT reflected on the site, they will be adjusted by myself. You may receive an error message when you order...that's a server gltich. Chanes are you order was received but feel free to email me to make sure it was received. |
_______________________________________ [Feb 27,2005 10:40am - metalmatt666 ""] cool i'll check it out |