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I'm wearing a dress...

[Feb 27,2005 7:35pm - swamplorddvm ""]
...and I feel sexy.:spineyes:

...and gay.:shocker:
[Feb 27,2005 7:54pm - Kalopsia ""]
does this really come as a suprise to anyone???
[Feb 27,2005 8:09pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Oh, snap!
[Feb 27,2005 10:03pm - metalmatt666 ""]
so i cross dress all the fucking time
[Feb 27,2005 10:04pm - Mary ""]
I was expecting a pic. Wtf? Slacker..
[Feb 28,2005 1:20am - ArmageddAnne ""]
Mary said:I was expecting a pic. Wtf? Slacker..

[Feb 28,2005 1:21am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 28,2005 3:00pm - swamplorddvm ""]
ArmageddAnne said:Mary said:I was expecting a pic. Wtf? Slacker..

Ok, wait:moe:

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