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NH's "the_network." need new bassist

[Mar 1,2005 11:24pm - boobtoucher ""]
Here's our newest recorded songs:

We practice in Kingston, NH as much as possible. Be serious and ready to get busy.

Contact us @endtransmission@hotmail.com
[Mar 2,2005 12:07am - boobtoucher ""]
good god i can't even insert a fucking link
[Mar 2,2005 12:13am - silky ""]
damn. I wish I had a bass cab.
[Mar 2,2005 8:03am - stainless ""]
www.hxcmp3.com/bands/19329/ I think that worked. I know what your thinking.......where not going to freak out or anything but WHO'S COMING WITH US!!!!!
[Mar 2,2005 10:44am - hot_lunch ""]
what you need is a tambourine player
[Mar 2,2005 10:45am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
and a tuba
[Mar 2,2005 2:17pm - boobtoucher ""]
bump the jam
[Mar 2,2005 2:17pm - boobtoucher ""]
bump up the jam
[Mar 2,2005 2:17pm - boobtoucher ""]
bump it up
[Mar 2,2005 4:12pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
top !
[Mar 2,2005 4:37pm - Blue ""]
[Mar 2,2005 5:24pm - stainless ""]
Lets go!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 2,2005 5:27pm - stainless ""]
Cmon who's joining ps. this certain someone needs good reaction skills to dodge cross fires of winds of a thousands forces coming from Left_Right Guitars
[Mar 2,2005 5:43pm - hoser ""]
Wish you guys all the best. If I wasnt in a band, I'd be there in a heartbeat.
[Mar 3,2005 6:01am - Doomkid ""]
You know bass players are for chumps right?

[Mar 3,2005 12:17pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
[Mar 3,2005 6:16pm - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
I could play "mind bass" from 2500 miles away. But I don't know how to play mind bass.
[Mar 4,2005 12:38am - sxealex ""]
bass players: who needs em
[Mar 4,2005 12:39am - sxealex ""]
: P
[Mar 4,2005 12:41am - sxealex ""]
what about josh ex pfap hes fucking brootaly awesome call him up
[Mar 4,2005 12:44am - sxealex ""]
the real question is why was rowan up at 6 AM
[Mar 4,2005 12:46am - get high, get aids  ""]
what about Josh (ex-pray for a plague) ??
[Mar 4,2005 12:48am - powerkok ""]
why EX pfap? what happened?
[Mar 4,2005 12:49am - sxealex ""]
"hes fucking brootaly awesome call him up"
[Mar 4,2005 1:16am - lil_jackie ""]
Josh is way too good at bass to be in the network...he would be bored.
[Mar 4,2005 1:18am - sxealex ""]
the networks a bunch of good musicians but im probably gonn ahve to agree with u
[Mar 5,2005 12:55am - boobtoucher ""]
Yea we play rock n' roll, we're not trying to prove that cold-fusion works through our tapping skills. Actually, we're not trying to do anything with our tapping skills because we have none.

Any bassist we'd like should just listen to Deadguy and Coalesce and not be an asshole...which is a tall order these days.
[Mar 5,2005 1:20am - sxealex ""]
oh btw that cable i couldnt find online so the monster cable xlr cables are 29.99 for 20 footers sound cool to u for a replacement?
[Mar 5,2005 1:21am - sxealex ""]
that was probably the wrong place to put that WORD TO GETTING A BASSPlaYER
[Mar 5,2005 3:20am - RustedAngel ""]
i don't think josh would work out, they need someone that's not going to randomly move to michigan without telling anyone.
[Mar 5,2005 12:18pm - stainless ""]
sxealex thats fine with me give me an address to send it to @ our hotmail.....
[Mar 18,2005 12:19am - sxealex ""]
damn he moved to michigan that sux that dude was nice... to me at least
[Mar 18,2005 12:39am - powerkok ""]
didnt he just get back from michigan?? wtf!!? sorry silkkk

hey network find anyone yet?

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