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Banana phone

[Mar 14,2005 3:51pm - metalmatt666 ""]
this is one of the funniest things i have seen in a long ass time

[Mar 14,2005 4:04pm - dreadkill ""]
this was posted a while back by someone else, but i love banana phone, so i don't mind seeing it again.
[Mar 14,2005 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]

if you ever want to see it, just go to a URL that doesn't exist on RTTP!
[Mar 14,2005 4:15pm - anonymous  ""]
the rev took the words out of my mouth
~carina =)
[Mar 14,2005 4:16pm - anonymous  ""]
though..i gotta admit, nothing compares to hearing the rev sing as it plays on his PC

~carina again
[Mar 14,2005 4:16pm - wakeoftears ""]
I dont find it funny at all until they role the credits and the song is in slow motion, now thats some funny shit.
[Mar 14,2005 4:41pm - Dissector ""]
Did this guy just discover ebaumsworld?
[Mar 14,2005 5:25pm - Todd_Bombshelter ""]
Dissector said:Did this guy just discover ebaumsworld?

Right?, WTF,it is starting to get annoying, I think him and Joe Christianni, should get together, they make a great couple
[Mar 14,2005 6:13pm - BornSoVile ""]
ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone.
[Mar 14,2005 11:47pm - malettey ""]
i remember i listened to raffi when i was a wee little fucker
[Mar 15,2005 9:39am - METALMATT666 ""]
allright im done with the ebaums world shit
[Mar 15,2005 9:43pm - Dissector ""]
METALMATT666 said:allright im done with the ebaums world shit

Thank god.
[Mar 15,2005 9:58pm - Abbath ""]
METALMATT666 said:allright im done with the ebaums world shit

hahahahahahahahaha it's hillarious

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