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the_Network remember them?

[Mar 26,2005 3:13am - anonymous  ""]
This band is not lazy, they play at ferocious speeds and catchy rhythms...But get them off the videogames to stand up and practice, your better off talking to god on sunday...This band is so talented reigning from the ashes of Fault and Ookla the Mok, two of the most groundbreaking bands from the northeast...If you haven't seen this band live, you might as well move to PA and become armish...This hardworking band is yet still unsigned to my amazement...They continue to record demo's after demo's and if you were smart, you get everyone...It's only a matter of time before your going to see their LP debut...For all fans of chaotic and musically talented music, this is a band not to miss.. They'll blow your assholes out!!!!
[Mar 26,2005 10:36am - silky ""]
anonymous said:musically talented music

that's funny. they do kick arse, though.
[Mar 28,2005 12:29pm - boobtoucher ""]
[Mar 28,2005 2:17pm - hoser ""]
Who posted this?? It seems too purposely random to be random. I'd be interested in finding out if this is some chick who wants the dick, or a psycho ex of one of theirs that re-wants the dick. Hmmmm.....anyway, ya, good band......
[Mar 28,2005 2:28pm - lame  ""]
It wasn\'t me!
[Mar 28,2005 5:37pm - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
agreed. but they all kinda smell like a paper mill.
[Mar 28,2005 5:49pm - dreadkill ""]
hahahaha, "armish"
[Apr 1,2005 9:44am - anonymous  ""]

*hint: It may or may not have been written by the vocalist of a well
known metalcore band that just finished recording their 3rd full
length featuring a solo from the guitarist of Obituary/Death.

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