Splatterthrash gorefiends THEY WON'T STAY DEAD need a goddamn SHOW[views:8001][posts:15]__________________________________ [Apr 10,2005 4:12pm - MikeFuck ""] Hello! I am Abdul Johammed, a very rich prince from Nigeria and I am contacting you today to offer you the financial oppurtunity of your fucking lifetime! They Won't Stay Dead is a zombie infested brain eating goresoaked three piece thrash outfit from the Boston area that is sure to delight your children's show, birthday party, or bar mitzvah. However, they are banned in my country, so for the small bank transaction fee of 1,200$ we will send them to your country of freedoms and the Krispy Kreme. If you would like to associate yourself with such a crue of vagabonds, you can contact their meaty sasquatch vocalist Mike at (508) 291-5021, because he has no internet ever since the very big fire. It is sad! Ho ho ho! Leave a message for he is often drunk and in prison! Delightful! Jinnqui & Yeg Skemesh! Your Excellency, Prince Abdul Johammed III (p.s: please fucking book us) |
___________________________________ [Apr 10,2005 6:11pm - Dissector ""] Up! |
__________________________________________ [Apr 10,2005 9:21pm - Shameless Shill ""] Lordy loo, TWSD is a very fine young band and work magic in the kitchen! Give them your moneys right now! |
___________________________________ [Apr 10,2005 9:46pm - Dissector ""] Second best gore metal splatterthrash band in Boston next to Dissector, of course. |
__________________________________ [Apr 10,2005 9:49pm - niccolai ""] Book this band. Thier drummer is... well amazing. |
___________________________________ [Apr 10,2005 9:50pm - Dissector ""] We wanna play with you |
_____________________________________ [Apr 10,2005 9:55pm - Scoracrasia ""] I'm playing with my scrotum. |
___________________________________ [Apr 11,2005 8:34pm - Dissector ""] Help deese niggas out. |
_______________________________ [Apr 11,2005 9:23pm - eddie ""] Scoracrasia said:I'm playing with my scrotum. me too |
_______________________________ [Apr 12,2005 2:22pm - dan. ""] top why this isnt the biggest band in boston right now, i have no fucking idea. if you book them, they will come. [img] |
______________________________________ [Apr 16,2005 1:54pm - alisterfiend ""] top |
_____________________________________ [Apr 16,2005 1:58pm - Scoracrasia ""] Sheeky scrotum looker. |
____________________________________ [Apr 16,2005 9:40pm - RichHorror ""] I may have to book an all-zombie show. |
_____________________________________ [Apr 17,2005 12:27am - RichHorror ""] Does TWSD have a website with mp3's? |
____________________________________ [Apr 17,2005 9:29pm - RichHorror ""] Answer me immediately. |
_______________________________________ [Apr 18,2005 5:27pm - MikeShitFuck ""] RichHorror said:Answer me immediately. Soon enough, gentle jerkwad! |