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[QUOTE="the_reverend:254358"]FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: David Tornstrom, Rootsucker Records (978) 922-4609 Email: david.tornstrom@rootsuckerrecords.com Rootsucker Records proudly presents- The 2nd Annual "Sweet Leaf Festival", in Lowell, Massachusetts To Be Held May 14th, 2005 at Evos' Arts Tavern & Grille (www.evosarts.com) April 28th, 2005 (Beverly, MA) -Rootsucker Records proudly announces the booking of the 2nd annual Sweet Leaf Festival at Evos' Arts in Lowell on 5/14/05, doors open @ 4pm, 21+. This festival will also serve as the CD release party for Rootsucker Records' latest album, "Reaching Empyrean" by Ichabod. This year's festival will feature two stages of music, showcasing a total of 13 bands. There will also be art on display by Eric David Love, world renowned visionary/psychedelic artist Scott Cranmer, Bruce Bettis of Zeroflesh.com, and others TBA. Live video installations and accompanying soundscapes will be provided by Rob Byrd & Kris Thompson, Steve Albert, and J'Ambiance. Tickets are available for sale in advance ($12.00) online at www.rootsuckerrecords.com/sweetleaffestival, or through the bands and other participants. Prices for tickets at the door will be slightly higher ($15.00), and there is a likelihood that this show will sell out early, so advance purchase is recommended. The confirmed lineup is as follows, with the aforementioned artists and performers displaying their wares throughout the day; Upstairs Stage- 6:30-7:10 Presley (MA) 7:30-8:10 Heretic's Fork (RI) 8:40-9:20 Ichabod (MA) 9:50-10:30 Sumo (MA) 11:00-11:40 We’re All Gonna Die (MA) 12:15-1:00 Today is the Day (MA) Downstairs Stage- 5:05-5:45 Suicide Contest (NH) 6:05-6:35 Bury the Needle (MA) 7:05-7:35 Septic Youth Command (MA) 8:05-8:45 Ogre (ME) 9:15-9:55 Eldemur Krimm (ME) 10:25-11:05 Wooly Mammoth (DC) 11:35-12:15 Dove (FL) (Entire schedule subject to change as situations develop; the above is tentative) Rootsucker Records' goal in arranging this festival is to create the premiere event of its kind in the Northeast of the United States. Heavy, aggressive music is featured everywhere these days, but there are few outlets for the more challenging sub-genres of rock and metal (progressive/stoner-rock/doom/psychedelic/ambient/etc.). Rootsucker Records and Evos Arts have therefore collaborated to present this, a totally afferent multi-media presentation of the hallucinogenic, kaleidoscopic and tripped-out underbelly of today's hard rock world. About Rootsucker Records Rootsucker Records is a record label imprint whose objective is to discover ground-breaking new music artists who demonstrate quality musicianship and have an innate desire to explore, challenge and venture beyond the constrictions which contemporary music places upon artists based on genre. Rootsucker Records is a division of Black Locust Entertainment. About Black Locust Entertainment Black Locust Entertainment is a company dedicated to promoting music and other media styles with which music has an intimate interaction, to create new outlets for artistic expression and to spark a resurgence of public appreciation. Founded in 2000, Black Locust is located in Beverly, MA. We work with bands and artists whose music transcend "accepted" genres and reaches into mind and soul, from sounds that are earthy and raw to those that are atmospheric and a bit psychedelic.[/QUOTE]
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