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[QUOTE="the_reverend:255704"][b]warning: most of the bands that I'm comparing the bands in this thread to, I haven't listened to since I was 7 and my dad forced me to listen to WBCN before WBCN turned into alt-rock.[/b] [b]suicide contest[/b]: this might have been their last show... I heard someone saying that, but I don't really know. they opened up the the show a little later than was announced. that was good cause I got there about 15 minutes late. I will be the first to admit that I'm not a fan of that NH band that everyone in NH is suppose to like, scissor fight. That means that I'm not really a fan of a band that sounds like them, but the msuic they play I'm sure would be rather entoxicating and fun after a couple of those tall PBRs that everyone was enjoying. with that said, I recognized a bunch of the songs from the other times that I've seen them, like living the goon life, osama bin kringle, etc... they seemed to have slathered their music with more sabbath-riffs that make them sound a whole lot heavier than they used to, IMHO. oh, at one point the microphone cut out... but I didn't know that song anyhow. the goose-type stepping on stage was hilarious, imho. [b]bury the needle[/b]: they kicked off their set so immediately that I didn't even know that they were ready to play... right from the start, they were really good. fast, jangly guitars with some feed back tossed into the mix. the only thing that I was down with were the vocals. some times they would drop into geddy lee/rush vocals that typically get on my nerves. at some point, one of the guitarists ended up on the floor, being helped up by an audience member. the drummer kept having to pull his set forward cause the kick drum kept sliding away from him. [b]septic youth command[/b]: compared to all the bands thus far, they were a lot more punky. I guess it really wasn't that far towards the mohawk side of punk, put the songs were more structure that way. they had a couple sing along parts. they also (I think it was a cover) covered an old punk song, no rules. I maybe mistaken though cause I only know the chorus to the song no rules. they had samples leading into and out of each songs and reminded me an aweful lot of disengaged minus the killer metalriffs that is. [b]ogre[/b]: holy 70's rock experience! this was not stoner rock or doom rock, this was straight up rock from the 70s. I thought for a second that [b]led zeplin[/b] was back alive and playing. their vocals were a bit weird, but they mixed together a cream sound with some more comtemporary music. you may remember the drummer from his other gig with ocean. [b]eldemus krimm[/b]: 70s rock again. I liked a lot of the material they played. sort of like [b]king crimson[/b]. the lead guy was wicked tall and had a beard that was right out of the 70s. a bunch of people came down from the ichabod set and watched them rock out. [b]wooly mammoth[/b]: well, we've heard just about every single type of 70's rock... but now on to [b]deep purple[/b]! they reminded me of a nerdy [b]uriah heep[/b]/[b]dp[/b] only with fewer members, giving them a cleaner sound. there was a lot of long feed back from the uitar which he bent around in frequencies as he bent the strings on his guitar (and bent down to the floor). they've been on tour with [b]dove[/b] for a while now. they also have a CD coming out though it's in dispute whether it's coming out september 9th or 20th 2005. I suggest not going to the store until the 20th or you might be disappointed. [b]dove[/b]: more like psych-rock mixed with some newer metalcore feel. the lead singer/guitarist kept almost kicking wade in the head too... just barely missing him.[/QUOTE]
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