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Now with a new "friendly" G rated atmosphere

[May 23,2005 12:55am - milkydeathgrind ""]
if you don't like it............ FUCK OFF!!!!!!
[May 23,2005 12:57am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
haha awesome !
[May 23,2005 1:18am - powerkok ""]
These pricks (HCN) record their own band.
But ya there are alot of pricks.
[May 23,2005 11:39am - milkydeathgrind ""]
How does $200 for 5 complete songs no matter how long it takes sound??????????
[May 23,2005 11:41am - SUBJUGATE ""]
how many tracks
[May 23,2005 11:42am - milkydeathgrind ""]
songs or tracks to record with?
[May 23,2005 11:45am - milkydeathgrind ""]
10 simultaneous tracks but unlimited tracks overall
[May 23,2005 11:53am - powerkok ""]
milkydeathgrind said:How does $200 for 5 complete songs no matter how long it takes sound??????????

Thats definitley cheap.
[May 23,2005 11:54am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i'll do 24 simultanious tracks. 5 songs for just $100.

[May 23,2005 11:55am - Josh_hates_you ""]
even cheaper.
[May 23,2005 11:57am - milkydeathgrind ""]
WWHHHOOAAAAA!!!!!.............too bad if i do it though it'll sound good.................:middlefinger:
[May 23,2005 11:57am - attendmyrequiem nli  ""]
i'll do 36 simultanious tracks on a protools hd xl system and take $450 for it for every day you want to record.
[May 23,2005 11:57am - powerkok ""]
its like the Tom Green pizza undercutters!!!!
anybody say $50?
100 going once.....
[May 23,2005 11:59am - powerkok ""]
milkydeathgrind said:WWHHHOOAAAAA!!!!!.............too bad if i do it though it'll sound good.................:middlefinger:

Ohhh....burn towards the Josh.
Ive heard Joshs recordings, they sound great.
Alex, what do you have that I can hear, that was recorded there?
[May 23,2005 11:59am - milkydeathgrind ""]
exactly, Its not a "lets all rip on the fucking guy who wants to advertise his studio" post you bastards
[May 23,2005 12:00pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
do that aim shite and i'll send you something
[May 23,2005 12:00pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
milkydeathgrind said:WWHHHOOAAAAA!!!!!.............too bad if i do it though it'll sound good.................:middlefinger:

no it won't. go listen to any PFAP stuff. its all noise and hiss. make your own band sound good before you try to take other peoples money.

[May 23,2005 12:04pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
what do you think pfap was besides noise???? and what did you hear the fucking shitty myspace mp3's?
[May 23,2005 12:36pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
anyone that wants to hear a song i've done that wasn't encoded to be played over the internet can get a hold of me instant message style
[May 23,2005 1:12pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
Josh_hates_you said:milkydeathgrind said:WWHHHOOAAAAA!!!!!.............too bad if i do it though it'll sound good.................:middlefinger:

no it won't. go listen to any PFAP stuff. its all noise and hiss. make your own band sound good before you try to take other peoples money.

see you shut right up when you're proven horribly wrong......... that also goes for anyone else that pretends to have heard anything i've done and then beats it to death with criticism
[May 23,2005 1:34pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
attendmyrequiem nli said:i'll do 36 simultanious tracks on a protools hd xl system and take $450 for it for every day you want to record.

Once again this goes for everyone, i don't give a fuck what kind of equipment you all have and think you know how to use.
[May 23,2005 1:36pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
and what the hell do you need 36 simultaneous tracks for anyway??? wait a minute...... you must have been the one that recorded the orchestral parts for metallica!!!!!!!!
[May 23,2005 3:56pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
[May 23,2005 4:26pm - ieatdogshit4kicks  ""]
hey alex, it's max. soon we will merge forces and be powerful like voltron. all others will have to bow down in our recording glory!!:ralphie:
[May 23,2005 4:44pm - Bradness ""]
milkydeathgrind said:and what the hell do you need 36 simultaneous tracks for anyway??? wait a minute...... you must have been the one that recorded the orchestral parts for metallica!!!!!!!!

2 overhead drum mics
2 snare
2 bass drum
3 toms
1 hi hat
1 ride
2 guitar cab
in a two guitar band, 2 more guitar cab
1 bass cab
1 bass direct
2 room mics

there's 19, it fills up rather quick. So doing only 10 at a time sounds like a normal metal kit would be the only thing recorded, leaving no music to record along to when overdubbing.

you should have siad "will record a crappy demo for cheap"
[May 23,2005 5:03pm - retzam ""]
milkydeathgrind said:WWHHHOOAAAAA!!!!!.............too bad if i do it though it'll sound good.................:middlefinger:


Based off nothing of course.
[May 23,2005 5:06pm - retzam ""]
Dude, no one cares how good you think you can sound. The bottom line is you are coming off as a huge asshole, so no one cares.
[May 23,2005 5:13pm - Hooker nli  ""]
If I had five songs I'd do it.
[May 23,2005 5:15pm - Anthony nli  ""]
there's way too much arrogance in this thread
[May 23,2005 5:18pm - PatMeebles ""]
Where are some recording samples again?
[May 23,2005 5:24pm - retzam ""]
Anthony nli said:there's way too much arrogance in this thread

Well, I'm a complete outsider to this, the most neutral of the neutral party in whatever ridiculous argument(s?) is/are going on in this thread, and I can honestly say that the majority of this arrogance lies on the creator of the thread.
[May 23,2005 5:25pm - retzam ""]
But I agree, lots of arrogance, that's the only reason I'm posting here, cause I happened to read the thread and was extremely annoyed by all the arrogance.
[May 23,2005 5:36pm - Hooker nli  ""]
I'll crack your skull with my huge cock, you talentless pussyfart.

How's that for arrogance?
[May 23,2005 5:43pm - handinjury ""]
milkydeathgrind said:attendmyrequiem nli said:i'll do 36 simultanious tracks on a protools hd xl system and take $450 for it for every day you want to record.

Once again this goes for everyone, i don't give a fuck what kind of equipment you all have and think you know how to use.

Out of all your threads you still have not listed any of the equipment that YOU are using. I find it very disapointing that people/bands only seem to be intrested in the $cost$ over quality of equipment used. There is so many other important aspects of the whole recording project besides "we recorded this sub-par sounding disc for $5 an hr".

I am not putting milkydeathgrind down for trying to open up his cliental base, hopefully i can get my studio up and running also. But dude, you sound like a stupid prick sometimes.

[May 23,2005 6:12pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
okay...(not that it fucking matters at all)...... I run everything directly into my computer via a multi-channel sound card. All of the drum mic's go through a mackie mixer with direct outs for each channel. I generally don't do completely live full band recordings because it's very rare nowadays to find a band that can actually play their songs all the way through. for a mixing program i use cool edit pro mostly along with all of the software that Izotope makes. for mastering i use izotope ozone and sony cd architect. pretty soon i will also have protools LE running alongside with my current soundcard. i'm not even going to take the time to list off all the fucking different mics i use.............fuck.............................................................this probably isn't detailed enough for all of you who think it matters what kind of equipment you use
[May 23,2005 6:20pm - powerkok ""]
milkydeathgrind said:
I generally don't do completely live full band recordings because it's very rare nowadays to find a band that can actually play their songs all the way through.

Are you fucking serious???!!!? You are kidding me. What bands are these, so I can know to never ever listen to them.

this probably isn't detailed enough for all of you who think it matters what kind of equipment you use

Cool edit pro?
You think that c.e.p. is the same as using Vegas, protools, or Cubase?
Its not. simply put, its like comparing a cassette to a cd.

Basically, I was keeping tight lipped to give you the benefit of the doubt, but man, you are looking real dumb right now.

[May 23,2005 6:22pm - powerkok ""]
And yes, I must agree that the whole cocky attitude thing will not get you customers, but only run them off onto another studios grasp.
And.....the name is just ridicuolous IMO.
[May 23,2005 6:23pm - powerkok ""]
what do you use for video production?
[May 23,2005 8:23pm - handinjury ""]
milkydeathgrind said:okay...(not that it fucking matters at all)...... I run everything directly into my computer via a multi-channel sound card. All of the drum mic's go through a mackie mixer with direct outs for each channel. I generally don't do completely live full band recordings because it's very rare nowadays to find a band that can actually play their songs all the way through. for a mixing program i use cool edit pro mostly along with all of the software that Izotope makes. for mastering i use izotope ozone and sony cd architect. pretty soon i will also have protools LE running alongside with my current soundcard. i'm not even going to take the time to list off all the fucking different mics i use.............fuck.............................................................this probably isn't detailed enough for all of you who think it matters what kind of equipment you use

A "mulitchannel sound card", what it dosnt have a name? Those a/d converters are part of your signal chain, very important.
Hmm "bands playing their songs all the way through"....i wonder how they play live.
You can't use protools LE without a digi 001/002/mbox interface, and you will not be able to use your "unnamed" breakout box with the digidesign interface. To do this you would need 2 pc's and a sync device.
Creativity, experince, trained ears,and no-how can work wonders, but cheap equipment can only sound so good.
[May 23,2005 9:42pm - anonymous  ""]
milkydeathgrind said:
if you don't like it............ FUCK OFF!!!!!!

Now THAT will get you some clientele....
[May 23,2005 10:27pm - streets  ""]
can someone give me back the 5 minutes i wasted reading this thread.

coming off as a huge assbag is great though, your phone will be ringing off the hook...
[May 24,2005 8:10am - ieatdogshit4kicks  ""]
the digi002 will be used, his p.c my p.c., his mics, my mics, my other programs, his other programs, his passion, my passion, a large black double ended dildo, 2 - 14 year old sluts we steal from the streets of dorchester, my diareah, your ghonareah, a 3 inch reel to reel, and a chicken sandwich from burger king will all be used to make a quality recording! plus a shit load of "macho head hunting bullshit"(-doug johnson of the safe-n-sound)
[May 24,2005 8:26am - ieatdogshit4kicks  ""]
anyways we'll spend our time getting trustafarian hippie jam bands from newmarket or durham to spend their parents money recording. then we we'll fuck them in the ass with no reach around and we won't pull out so they'll fart cum bubbles for the next day. and if anyone is really concerned about all this shit on this thread, i'm sure that the're not bargain shopping for 5 songs at 200$. it's a sweet deal for some people. and most of the "shit talking assholes" who post on this site, do just that exclusively= post on this site... they don't go to shows, they dont play and they dont record. they bitch on this site and they go to my space to try and hit on 16 year old sluts.
[May 24,2005 8:31am - ShItBaG  ""]
Fuck that. what you need to do is hit her with a right cross in the back of the head. she will be spitting up teeth for atleast a week for sure. when all is done, you should then hang the body up on a hook and look at it for inspiration.
[May 24,2005 8:31am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i want to thank you guys for starting this thread. as i result i have 2 new customers while you just have more people who don't like you.

pays to know what you are talking about.
[May 24,2005 8:46am - ieatdogshit4kicks  ""]
yeah 200$ for 2 bands at 5 songs a piece. go have fun with your new cuttys
[May 24,2005 9:00am - Josh_hates_you ""]
are you really that dumb?

first off i only posted that price to annoy little alex.

second, at the point where you are at, bands should charge you $100 a day and you should be greatful. use it as a learning expirience. call it a demo and do a good job and they will come back for the full length. they will tell their freinds about you. ever heard of a sale? the point of a sale is to attract new customers and then when you have them you must keep them. this primarily goes for any business not just a studio.

most people have said you 2 are assholes and i have left myself out of that part of the conversation. but honestly you think way too much of yourselves with nothing to back it up.


i figure i'll leave some resouces to get a clue from. I AM DONE FEEDING THE TROLLS DO NOT BOTHER RESPONDING TO THIS.
[May 24,2005 9:09am - ieatpeople4god ""]
U R COOL! and thanks for coming to our show in worcester.
[May 24,2005 9:28am - silky ""]
[May 24,2005 9:32am - ieatpeople4god ""]
[May 24,2005 7:20pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
no but seriously any prickheads want to record it's 200$ for 5 complete songs and you won't be disappointed
[May 25,2005 1:20am - milkydeathgrind ""]
actually i agree with all of you about me being a complete prick, but unfortunately this is the internet and the only way to get attention on the internet is to be the biggest dickhead you can. believe it or not, in person i am in fact not an asshole (most of the time), and i believe i know more about music equipment (and music in general) than your average musician. i have less of an ego than anyone i have ever met and i think it's completely fair for me to say that i am pretty good at what i do. now, about the equipment i use...... i don't think that i should have to explain myself or my methods to anyone for any reason, my point being that it does not matter what i have or use as long as the job gets done. But if anyone would like to ask me any questions about what equipment i do use for any other reason than telling me it sucks then i will answer you.
[May 25,2005 11:05am - Doomkid ""]

If people are going to be paying you to record their band you pretty much owe it to them to explain your methods, especially since you're just starting out with recording. Also, if you explain your methods then other people can offer suggestions or criticism so you can get better at recording, get more clients, more money, and so on and so forth. Same policy applies for disclosing your array of equipment.

I also think your perception of how to get people's attention on the internet is flawed and that you can totally catch flies on the internet with honey and not just vinegar.
[May 25,2005 11:09am - RustedAngel ""]
Equipment does matter especially when it comes to recording. There's no way a soundcard interface is going to sound as good as a $50,000 pro-tools setup no matter how good you are, I don't care if you're bob rock or andy wallace.

[May 25,2005 11:12am - succubus ""]
doomkid i agree with you 1000000%
[May 25,2005 11:48am - jonnyrites ""]
word life, regardless of any rhetoric or fighting going on in this thread, alex spent the last 3 months recording my band and goddammit it came out amazing. he put a lot of time and effort into it, and the end product is far more than i was expecting. with us he was also doing more than the typical metal or hardcore setup, having to mix and record synthesizers and keyboards. so again, regardless of any bickering going on here - i was pleased as punch with our recording.
[May 25,2005 11:54am - Doomkid ""]
You should post mp3s to back up your fine words Jonathan. And not just because I salivate for Birth Rites recordings.
[May 25,2005 12:07pm - jonnyrites ""]
they're up on our myspace, the quality is obviously low due to the streaming. there's a link in the CD release show post.
[May 27,2005 4:15pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
This is the best quality sounding mp3 i could host for free http://mysite.verizon.net/vzeoycww/whatjusthappenedstudio/

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