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Priority Music

[Jun 30,2005 7:05pm - Bird boy  ""]
DUDE, priority is giving free rooms for the month of July. Don't take one of the shittyass rooms though, get one of the new ones. I'ts supposed to be only through ads that they are running, but if you tell them that you know about it, the'yll friggin give it to you. i never even saw any of their ads, but heard it from The Dozens, and got myself some free rent. BIATCH.
[Jun 30,2005 7:07pm - My corn hole  ""]
Whatever, it's just cus they suck. The Dozens don't even play there.
[Jun 30,2005 7:12pm - Finnishsteel  ""]
i was in a room there once and the fucking A/C had a birds nest in it. I might go back there though because the new place down in Taunton just got shut down 'temporarily' so i'm out of luck. and The Dozens need to learn how to tune in something other than drop C or whatever.
[Jun 30,2005 7:13pm - My corn hole  ""]
I'm in The Dozens you fuck. We tune to E standard. Dumb
[Jun 30,2005 7:15pm - Finnishsteel  ""]
Chun,chun,chun,chun,Chun,chun,chun,chun,Chun,chun,chun,chun,Chun,chun,chun,chun gets old after a while. True metal is the only metal.
[Jun 30,2005 7:18pm - Saints fury  ""]
Why are 15 year olds wasting their jacking off time writing stuff here? Anyway, Priority is haunted. that's why the rooms are free.
[Jun 30,2005 7:19pm - Saints fury  ""]
Ya, the place in taunton had their grand opening and the fire dept shut them down. Not enough bribe money apparently.
[Jun 30,2005 7:25pm - My corn hole  ""]
Nope, it's cus they suck. We called them a month ago and they wanted two months down and all this legal crap in writing. cool studio though. Elevator and soda and stuff. No real security, just an X-files thumb scan thing. Hey Bird boy, what band are you in?
[Jun 30,2005 7:36pm - Jesussaves  ""]
They don't even have any rooms, I called a couple of months ago and they put me on a freakin waiting list.
[Jun 30,2005 7:39pm - My corn hole  ""]
You have to keep calling them, they don't keep track of their list. The rooms that are free are the new ones. By the way, I know who you are Bird boy. Does a Rickenbacker up your ass ring a bell? ya, I thought so.
[Jun 30,2005 7:44pm - berry ""]
Why are you renting there? My balls have more room inside of them than that place.
[Jun 30,2005 7:46pm - My corn hole  ""]
I don't rent there you illiterate fuck.
[Jun 30,2005 7:50pm - Senseless dread  ""]
I'm looking to share with a band at the sackless wonder that is priority. We have a room the size of a frickin club for $85 a week. Need to find people who like metal. email me at sun48@hotmail.com
[Jun 30,2005 7:57pm - berry ""]
Answer your email. Are looking to get in a band, or are you looking to share with a band? Cus, we need a place to jam and can't afford it all.
[Jun 30,2005 8:00pm - Senseless dread  ""]
To share with a band. We even have two drum risers. But don't leave the A/C on overnight or the landlord goes nuts. It's like he has nothing better to do than to want to make me feel like I'm in high school again. What band are you? I'll check my email tonight.
[Jun 30,2005 8:06pm - berry ""]
Missiongrill. I'm not going to share with an airhead, so I hope you will remember to reply to my email. Maybe I can hook you up with some recording time there instead of rent money. The guy there gives out free recording time to bands that rent for a while. But last time I rented, we never recorded, so he said he owed us.
[Jul 1,2005 11:52am - mark fucking richards  ""]
priority music blows. i was there for a few years, and it's the trashiest place ever. it definitely is haunted though, that's pretty cool from time to time. all of those new rooms were made out of a huuuuge room that used to be called 'the pigeon shit room.' it was full of dead birds and pigeon shit. good luck to anyone who practices there.

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