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something cool: map of the USA with iraq deaths

[Jul 7,2005 11:41am - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 7,2005 11:45am - babyshaker ""]
thats crazy
[Jul 7,2005 11:47am - largefreakatzero ""]
At least they died for something useful. Not.
[Jul 7,2005 11:49am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
[Jul 7,2005 1:16pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Wow. Thank YOU buch!
[Jul 7,2005 2:41pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
my sis was with one fo them when he died, sucks ass...
[Jul 7,2005 3:06pm - cdan nli  ""]
yeah, "cool" indeed
[Jul 7,2005 3:18pm - The liberal mind-set is pathetic  ""]
and for every dot on that map,,there are 10-20 dead fanatics who would love to come over here and cut your throat.
THANK YOU U.S armed forces !!
[Jul 7,2005 3:54pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
wait, if they are dead how can they cut our throats? zombie terrorists? thank you us armed forces for the pending zombie holocaust!!!
[Jul 7,2005 4:28pm - the_reverend ""]
how could some 10's of thousands of woman and children get over here to cut my throat?
[Jul 7,2005 8:47pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Fuck all these soldiers. they're all babykillers I say! They don't deserve to be respected!
[Jul 7,2005 8:51pm - armageddanne ""]
Let's go fuck shit up in a country and then bitch cause their people kill our soldiers.
[Jul 7,2005 9:19pm - eddienli  ""]
If you want to see something creepy, go look at where Bush is stock piling troops in the usa, and where he's taking them from. Also look what what Bases he's closing.

After you look that stuff up draw a conculsion. Any sane person that lives in New England will hate Bush. No matter what political backround.
[Jul 7,2005 10:22pm - DomesticTerror ""]
The liberal mind-set is pathetic said:and for every dot on that map,,there are 10-20 dead fanatics who would love to come over here and cut your throat.
THANK YOU U.S armed forces !!

and they'd do it with knives that we sold them. The bastards!

[Jul 8,2005 12:50am - Al_Ravage ""]
some kid was killed from a town in Massachusetts I've never even heard of
[Jul 8,2005 1:41am - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
so did no one die from HI or AK yet?
[Jul 8,2005 8:20am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Bush is trying to pass legislation that will give control of television reports to the federal government.

I cannot believe the news stations aren't reporting on this 24 hours a day, because it will probably pass.

I think there will be some sort of revolution in America within the next 6 years
[Jul 8,2005 9:09am - floating sphere  ""]
This map shows where the US deaths have come from. It helps to personify the numbers, and truly allows one to respect the work our military does for our country.

At least they died for something useful. Not.
They did. The war against extremist muslim terrorists is important.

how could some 10's of thousands of woman and children get over here to cut my throat?
It's really not feasible, but they definitly want to. Cells of jihadists are littered through out the world, and slitting your throat is high on there to do list. They are jihadists in a holy war, they are not politicians seeking revenge. Since they can't feasible come over in large numbers and slash your throat, they will do as they have been; periodically bombing innocents, destroying buildings, and commiting mass murders through suicide.

If you want to see something creepy, go look at where Bush is stock piling troops in the usa, and where he's taking them from. Also look what what Bases he's closing.
It sounds like you are suggesting that troops are being maliciously drawn from specific areas, but I'm not sure what your point is. Some clarification or links to the research you mentioned would be nice.

and they'd do it with knives that we sold them. The bastards!
Groups join forces against a common enemy. Our past support to questionable (from today's viewpoint) entities in the middle east was a result of cold war era foriegn policy. That has little to do with what needs to be done in the world right now with respect to jihadist terrorists.
[Jul 8,2005 10:23am - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Bush is trying to pass legislation that will give control of television reports to the federal government.

I cannot believe the news stations aren't reporting on this 24 hours a day, because it will probably pass.

I think there will be some sort of revolution in America within the next 6 years

thats because our media is already controlled by the admin, they're just making it common practice and normalising this control. of course the news stations arent reporting it. they're part of the problem.

there cant be revolution without armed confrontation so that'll mean some people will have to get off their pacifistic high horse. marches and signs dont do shit
[Jul 8,2005 11:02am - largefreakatzero ""]
floating sphere said:
At least they died for something useful. Not.
They did. The war against extremist muslim terrorists is important.

Dipfuck, what did Iraq have to do with the war on terror? Douchebag Bush has already conceded that there were no WMD found. Sending troops into Afghanistan after 9/11 had something to do with the war on terror. Sending troops into Iraq was a misinformed, stupid decision that is costing soldiers their lives. By the way, log in asshole, or go ride your "floating sphere" someplace else.
[Jul 8,2005 11:30am - floating sphere  ""]
Iraq has plenty to do with the War on Terror. Of course Saddam's Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, but the war on terror does not mean "Retaliation for 9/11" as you seem to think.

There were no WMD stockpiles, but once again this isn't the war on WMD, it is the war on Terror. The plan for Iraq is to help them set up a free democracy in the middle east. This is a good move that will help fight off muslim extremism that is plaguing the countries in the middle east, as well as help the people in Iraq that want democratic society.

i'm not an asshole, just someone who stumbled onto the site and disagrees with the notions put forth in this thread.
[Jul 8,2005 11:57am - largefreakatzero ""]
The muslim extremism plaguing the middle east has been over there for 2000 years. The notion to set up a democracy is a nice thought, but it won't happen. The Iraq war is about oil and the Bush family's unfinished vendetta, 9/11 was just an opportune time for GW to reopen that old wound. You may not be an asshole, as I am not some liberal tree-hugging faggot. I don't think Iraq is worth getting our soldier killed over. That's it, I'm done.
[Jul 8,2005 12:27pm - powerkok ""]
The very nanosecond we captured/killed Saddam, and his immediate family, we shouldve packed up and left.
I agree this is just dragging out into a very costly pissing match.

But I dont know whats worse, Iraq now, or Iran later. Or N.Korea, or Yemen.

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