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anyone making the trek to the Cape...

[Jul 26,2005 3:08pm - nate ""]
for this...


[Jul 26,2005 4:11pm - babyshaker ""]
i wanna go really bad but thats a long way for me to go without a car
[Jul 28,2005 2:09pm - nate ""]
[Jul 28,2005 3:27pm - nate ""]
guess noone from here is making the drive then eh?
[Jul 28,2005 3:49pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
"Your all worthless and weak"
[Jul 28,2005 4:02pm - nate ""]
I just talked to Kevin and he's bringing his sound shit... that's all set... he'll be there at six and I just talked to Allen telling him to get there at that time....
[Jul 28,2005 4:05pm - wakeoftears ""]
babyshaker said:i wanna go really bad but thats a long way for me to go without a car

[Jul 28,2005 5:30pm - Scoracrasia ""]
Nope. Got the kids and Sean & Lori are coming tonight around 9pm. I'd rather kick it with them.
[Jul 28,2005 8:19pm - nate nli  ""]
So we're here at the Juice Bar, second band is on, kinda hardcore-ish but the kids are killing eachother and the place is packed wall to wall... Just Coffin Birth and then we play... You guys are missing a killer show...
[Jul 29,2005 8:38am - nate ""]
well, this was quite possibly one of my favorite shows I've played... the crowd was a bunch of maniacs, smashing eachother and just going fukcin crazy. Anthony's parents took a mess of pics so I'll get some and post em here for everyone to see... Whenever there's a show on cape these fuckin kids come out and go nuts, the area is starved for music and this show proved it! great time had by all!

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