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best picture ever

[Jul 14,2003 4:03pm - xmikex ""]

good one rev
[Jul 14,2003 4:13pm - the_reverend ""]
I was trying to compost the dark, black powers of slayer.

damn.. how did that one get in there
[Jul 14,2003 10:41pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Jul 14,2003 11:56pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
:satancross: Brutally Morbid Octopus Tentacle of Satan. :satancross:
[Jul 15,2003 2:28pm - freepeltier ""]
Very misleading title!

I assumed you meant this picture.

[Jul 15,2003 4:12pm - RustedAngel ""]
wow, I wonder who owns those? :spineyes:

I mean, what are those still doing on the site arron michael peppolis?

revs got some splainin to do.
[Jul 15,2003 5:16pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Jul 15,2003 7:23pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
*pelvic thrusts*
[Jul 15,2003 10:09pm - the_reverend ""]
damn.. I'm lucky
[Jul 16,2003 12:38am - xmikex ""]
[Jul 16,2003 10:51am - succubus ""]
someone needs to go through random shots and delete bad photos of his girlfriend
[Jul 16,2003 11:27am - joostin ""]
Aaron's middle name is Michael?!
MY middle name is Michael!!!!!!!:sctachy:
[Jul 16,2003 11:32am - thegreatspaldino ""]
Michael is a middle name for pussies... a real man's middle name is Pierce :stupidflanders:
[Jul 16,2003 11:36am - joostin ""]
[Jul 16,2003 11:38am - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Jul 16,2003 11:41am - the_reverend ""]
as I told succubus, there were 4 or 5 Aaron Michael's from my hometown.
[Jul 16,2003 11:48am - joe/notcommon ""]
my middle name is Michael also
[Jul 16,2003 11:51am - thegreatspaldino ""]
im the only person i know and ever have known with the middle name "Pierce" so... HOORAY FOR ORIGINALITY!:NEWHORNS:
[Jul 16,2003 12:12pm - ratt_mowe ""]
uhh i think you meant to say.... hooray for gayety!

Pierce.... it really doesnt get more gay than that.

well, maybe Bruce...
[Jul 16,2003 12:23pm - succubus ""]
Aaron (the Rev) is the first Aaron i ever met...and Joostin is the second another coincidence Joostin, is that the Rev's brother's name is Justin..heh
[Jul 16,2003 12:42pm - freepeltier ""]
middle names huh?

I'm a chic and mine is Darwin. What the hell is that about?
[Jul 16,2003 5:07pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
My middle name is Hate. Or pain. I haven't really decided.
I was going to put up a silly picture but nooooo, Comcast is the gayest thing ever and I can't even pretend to log into my webspace. Sons of bitches.
[Jul 24,2003 12:50pm - niceass  ""]
you should take a pic on my niceass
[Jul 24,2003 12:51pm - niceass  ""]
i mean OF my niceass whoops

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