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Experienced Guitarist.

[Sep 1,2005 12:50pm - Nyckz0r ""]
I've been playing for eight years, I'm not an elitist. Also, I practice anywhere from 2-8 hours a day, everyday.
I enjoy everything as long as it has some artistic value to it.

I take music seriously, but I still have fun doing whatever.

At the moment I'm listening to - Meshuggah, the Dillinger Escape Plan, Isis, Alice in Chains, Textures, King Crimson, Primus, Strapping Young Lad, Opeth, Dispatch, Oceansize, Dredg - stuff along those lines.

I have a lot to offer, I'm looking to start my own band, or join an established one. Dont bother sending me an email if youre not serious, or if youre mistaking my influences for a lame metalhead who doesnt listen to anything else.
[Sep 1,2005 1:32pm - hoser ""]
Well your influences are dumb and don't suit me. Also....I don't want to get all that serious?? When is our 1st jam together?? LOLK-THX!!!
[Sep 1,2005 2:53pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
You are a lame metal head that doesn't listen to anything else.
[Sep 1,2005 5:48pm - brian_dc ""]
you shouldn't have said that you're not an elitist...about 90% of people who post here probably stopped right there

then the other 9.9-10% jumped off if they know who dispatch is
[Sep 1,2005 11:23pm - cav of dour cursiva neverli  ""]
[Sep 2,2005 12:00am - thedeparted ""]

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