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Is it just me, or are sports just simply retarded?

[Sep 21,2005 9:22am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Wait, don't answer. I already know the truth.
[Sep 21,2005 9:59am - Josh_Martin ""]
Its not just you.

Overpaid darkies playing grabass. I will never understand people's obsession with pro-sports.

[Sep 21,2005 10:05am - the_reverend ""]
I don't get why dudes want to watch other dudes working out.
seems a bit not-hetero to me.
[Sep 21,2005 10:07am - brian_dc ""]
baseball was fun to play up until 8th grade simply because I hit my growth spurt early and could throw like 80mph at 13....then I stopped caring because it didn't matter...and it still doesn't matter...so I still don't care.
[Sep 21,2005 10:12am - SuperFly ""]
I love sports, thats just me. Did anyone play grabass with the bass player from sabbat last night? there was plenty to grab.
[Sep 21,2005 10:17am - LtdEc-1000 ""]
Only sports i enjoy are hockey, and lacrosse.
[Sep 21,2005 10:19am - litacore ""]

[Sep 21,2005 10:27am - the_reverend ""]
I like playing sports... but watching it is in all accounts and definitions, gay.
[Sep 21,2005 10:37am - Josh_Martin ""]
I mean, 50 years ago I can almost understand being a pro-sports fan. You had actual teams with mostly long-standing members that you could become a fan of. Athletic ability is not something I care about but I could see why others appreciate it.
Nowadays though, I just don't get it. Say you're a Patriots fan. What does that even mean? You're a fan of a constantly changing roster of players who only play for the Pats because the Pats gave them the best deal and will only hang around until a better deal comes from another team.
If even the PLAYERS have zero loyalty to their team, I really don't get how a spectator could.
Its like being a fan of a corporate logo.

[Sep 21,2005 10:41am - the_reverend ""]

people love corporate logos.
[Sep 21,2005 10:44am - paganmegan ""]
Josh_Martin said:I mean, 50 years ago I can almost understand being a pro-sports fan. You had actual teams with mostly long-standing members that you could become a fan of. Athletic ability is not something I care about but I could see why others appreciate it.
Nowadays though, I just don't get it. Say you're a Patriots fan. What does that even mean? You're a fan of a constantly changing roster of players who only play for the Pats because the Pats gave them the best deal and will only hang around until a better deal comes from another team.
If even the PLAYERS have zero loyalty to their team, I really don't get how a spectator could.
Its like being a fan of a corporate logo.

really good point. I can enjoy watching a game here and there, but I just can't get into it the way I get into music

[Sep 21,2005 10:54am - anonymous  ""]
Josh_Martin said:I mean, 50 years ago I can almost understand being a pro-sports fan. You had actual teams with mostly long-standing members that you could become a fan of. Athletic ability is not something I care about but I could see why others appreciate it.
Nowadays though, I just don't get it. Say you're a Patriots fan. What does that even mean? You're a fan of a constantly changing roster of players who only play for the Pats because the Pats gave them the best deal and will only hang around until a better deal comes from another team.
If even the PLAYERS have zero loyalty to their team, I really don't get how a spectator could.
Its like being a fan of a corporate logo.

you dont know what your talking about there pal, the pats are actually under the salary cap. long standing players like tedy bruschi and recently troy brown took deals to stay here when teams offered them a lot more. troy was even cut for a month or so and almost went to new orleans before coming to his senses and returning for less $$
[Sep 21,2005 10:54am - SuperFly ""]
you route for the laundry, as they say in the sports world.
[Sep 21,2005 11:02am - the_reverend ""]
the ultimate sports fan
[Sep 21,2005 11:22am - SuperFly ""]
[Sep 21,2005 11:40am - malettey ""]
the sports themselves aren't retarded, the sports FANS are. i agree with josh martin in that it's like being a fan of a corporate logo; that's what it's all about now, MONEY. sports aren't played for fun anymore, it's all business. and i also think it sucks that people go to jobs they hate, where they bust their ass all day long for a salary that just barely gets them by, and these sports players are out there making millions of dollars to go out and play a kid's ball game.

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