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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to BobNOMAAMRooney.
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[QUOTE="BobNOMAAMRooney:311642"]OH MAN MY FIRST DEATH THREAT! Patthew04: hello? suffolkfreeradio: m suffolkfreeradio: hello Patthew04: r u playin this music? suffolkfreeradio: yes Patthew04: plz stop Patthew04: im gettin scared suffolkfreeradio: boo Patthew04: wut is wrog with u Patthew04: wut is this music suffolkfreeradio: it's Yob, off of their latest album "The Unreal Never Lived" Patthew04: plz stop ur hurting my ears Patthew04: u dont even know wut there sayin suffolkfreeradio: There are lyrics printed in the booklet and my ear is trained enough to understand what he's saying. Believe me this isn't even that bad in terms of understanding the vocalist Patthew04: i want the last guy back suffolkfreeradio: he went home Patthew04: he needs 2 come back suffolkfreeradio: he'll be back next week Patthew04: he betta be Patthew04: he was good Patthew04: give him props from me suffolkfreeradio: ok Patthew04: i dont think any1 is listening Patthew04: lmao Patthew04: lada Patthew04: GET THE FUCK OFF THE RADI FOR PLAYIN THIS Patthew04: ejaculating on the face of god? Patthew04: WTF Patthew04: get the fuck off Patthew04: now u made me mad Patthew04: get off Patthew04: ill ejaculate on ur face suffolkfreeradio: the city of ur in ancient mesopotamia? Patthew04: wut suffolkfreeradio: Ur Patthew04: i am wut Patthew04: u make no sense Patthew04: take a shower Patthew04: ur a fool Patthew04: u betta hope me and my boy BLNKZ617 neva see u suffolkfreeradio: Ur was a cool place. The ziggurats were awesome structures Patthew04: lmao...u have no life Patthew04: go kill urself suffolkfreeradio: actually I just know how to read history books. there's a difference Patthew04: this has nothing 2 do wit history Patthew04: u said ejaculate on the face of god Patthew04: thats religion faggot Patthew04: i hope u die and burn in hell suffolkfreeradio: you have a real distaste for the letter "u" eh? Patthew04: its ummm internet slang u faggot Patthew04: U' Patthew04: uU Patthew04: U Patthew04: U Patthew04: U Patthew04: U Patthew04: U Patthew04: U Patthew04: U Patthew04: U suffolkfreeradio: Please learn to spell, then you can come up with threats because I read an album title on the air Patthew04: learn to spell?...it's internet slang Patthew04: hows that for spellin suffolkfreeradio: there's a g in spelling you know. Patthew04: u dont get internet slang do u? suffolkfreeradio: I get it, I just prefer to use actual words when there's no point in condensing them to a single letter. Patthew04: ahahhahahahaha suffolkfreeradio: ROFOFLLOLZWTFOMFGBBQSTFU Patthew04: guy u betta hope u neva see me Patthew04: im ganna fuck u up..believe that Patthew04: go to the cops do wut u want but u have a problem comin suffolkfreeradio: I'm sorry that you have to resort to violence when you're clearly unable to prove a point. Patthew04: prove a point?...my point is that u advertise that shit Patthew04: u condone it Patthew04: bitch Patthew04: ill slap u around Patthew04: thats my point suffolkfreeradio: I doubt you'll slap me around. And if you did try to start shit with me I hope you realize that it's over a really fucking pathetic cause. OH NO I DON'T LIKE SOMETHING YOU SAID ON THE RADIO! Go listen to something else if it offends you. Patthew04: believe me dont threatin me u dont knwo me and my boy BLANKZ617....well ruin u Patthew04: so stop talkin 2 me now if u dont want a problem Patthew04: i said dont talk 2 me Patthew04: stop typin suffolkfreeradio: You're the one threatening me and starting shit with your terrible grasp of english. Patthew04: lmao Patthew04: terrible grasp of english Patthew04: its slang Patthew04: get that through ur fat head Patthew04: u fat fuck suffolkfreeradio: Oh no I said the name of an album, I clearly deserve a beating. Patthew04: u do Patthew04: u condone it suffolkfreeradio: Of course I condone it, those guys are good people and I like their band. Patthew04: there good ppl? Patthew04: wit that album name? Patthew04: ther enot good ppl Patthew04: there * Patthew04: just hope and pray i dont see u wit my boyz suffolkfreeradio: Why are you going to challenge me to a spelling bee? Patthew04: wait u dont pray u listen to that hellish shit Patthew04: lmao Patthew04: is that all u have on me? Patthew04: that i speak slang Patthew04: and im from the streets Patthew04: get over it suffolkfreeradio: No you're also a complete retard. Patthew04: ill slap u Patthew04: i am? Patthew04: ahahahhaa Patthew04: tell that 2 blank 2 suffolkfreeradio: OH NOES. Yeah you are a retard, getting all pissy over an album title. Patthew04: i seen ur picture...ur a bitch Patthew04: take a shower Patthew04: ill slap u Patthew04: ill be seein u suffolkfreeradio: Jests about my appearance. You have the upper hand in this one! Patthew04: believe me i do suffolkfreeradio: So how are you going to do it? In front of Donahue? Are you going to kick my ass in front of all those cameras and people? Patthew04: why not Patthew04: wut do i care suffolkfreeradio: I'd like to hear your defense, "I DIDN'T LIKE THAT HE TALKED ABOUT GOD ON HIS SHOW" I'm sure any judge would buy that and not convict you for a hate crime. Auto response from Patthew04: at the snap of a finger ill make ur guys cripple,around here ppl get beat for talkin shit,i hear rumors that kids are tryin to get at me so thats why my cuz brought me gun and its longer then pinocios nose,if u get outta line ill personally fuck u up,mmy ears are still 2 the streets i still gut sum boyz out there that hear every word u haters say,the bitches stand out,picture gettin ur chest blown open,ur mother gadda wake up 2 makin funeral arrangments,,this G-BLOCK shit is gettin deeper then ur future bullet wound,im goin back 2 my old ways..takin no shit..its a givin ..WHAT!?!?..lets have a Boston tek party..ahah.. Patthew04: hate crime?..any judge thats caotholic would defend me Patthew04: lmao Patthew04: or ill buy em out Patthew04: ahahahahaa suffolkfreeradio: Actually judges are supposed to be impartial regardless of their religious background. And no Catholic would condone violence against someone who said an album title on an internet radio show. That's pretty damn low on the "reasons to fight someone" list. Patthew04: no such list bitch Patthew04: im endin this suffolkfreeradio: Yeah because you've got nothing to say but, "ur a bitch" Patthew04: im goin to watch the red sox now...lada u fat fuck suffolkfreeradio: I can always work out, you'll never be able to read. suffolkfreeradio: Peace homofag[/QUOTE]
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