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Queen absolutely fucking owns you

[Jul 27,2003 1:37pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
seriously... they rule. one off the greatest bands of all time. anyone that disagrees is obvioulsy a rotten p00pn00get :doublehorns:
[Jul 27,2003 7:55pm - joe/notcommon ""]
too bad your band sucks, well one of them anyway
[Jul 27,2003 8:35pm - sfdafas  ""]
you just dont give up... do you?
[Jul 27,2003 9:02pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
yeah... its a shame huh?
[Jul 27,2003 9:39pm - DysenteryTom ""]
Joe...you confuse the hell out me...in some other threads you will talk about dysentery/ TYAG and how good they are....and then others you just make fun...i don't get it...
[Jul 27,2003 10:04pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
this will help you tom...

*the following is an excerpt from the thought pattern of joe's brain*

TYAG = shit
Dysentery = good

*that was just how joe thinks*
[Jul 27,2003 11:58pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
the joke's on you guys for trying to make sense of his posts.
[Jul 28,2003 1:54am - hybrid ""]
seriously though, freddie mercury... one of the best singers of all time. queen = gods with instruments
[Jul 28,2003 8:31am - the_reverend ""]
yeah and just think, if queen didn't do underpressure then Vanilla Ice wouldn't be the hardcore music star he is today
[Jul 28,2003 9:48am - baneofexistence ""]
Queen was some cool stuff great song structur and writing
[Jul 28,2003 10:19am - Beakey ""]
It's pointless to pick apart the brain of Joe Not Common. He is on a level far higher (or far lower) than us. To analyze him would be an endless struggle in which nobody wins.
[Jul 28,2003 11:02am - joe/notcommon ""]
i never said TYAG was good
i went and listened to one of their songs and it was garbage
and ive never said dysentery was bad, could be a little tighter from when I saw you guys live, but i hate you as people
[Jul 28,2003 1:32pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
for apparently no reason... oh yeah and judge TYAG by old material that features two members that isnt even in the band anymore... that's real slick

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