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Ravage myspace updated with all manner of crap - interview, pics etc

[Oct 16,2005 1:51pm - Al_Ravage ""]
The Ravage myspace site has been update, there is a song that can actually be downloaded now, new pictures etc


the next show will be the 'CD Release' whenever we play another show, there are none schedualed right now

the RavageTheEarth.com site will be updated soon with lyrics, new pictures, lyrical commentary and other fun stuff and there is an interview up on the Rock Hard website for anyone who can read German. The translation is at the myspace site in the blog section.
[Oct 16,2005 10:59pm - J.J.  ""]
no one wil download it, no one cares, give it up, ya done
[Oct 16,2005 11:13pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Awesome Al!
[Oct 17,2005 12:11am - eddie ""]
J.J. said:no one wil download it, no one cares, give it up, ya done

get aids
[Oct 17,2005 9:50am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
J.J. said:no one wil download it, no one cares, give it up, ya done

Ravage has been around longer than your metalcore band has, loser.
[Oct 18,2005 1:11pm - Eli ""]
I like how the picture Rock Hard used for the interview has Anthony and Phil in it
[Oct 18,2005 4:21pm - shatteredliz ""]
I'm listening to the disc right now. I love it!
[Oct 19,2005 12:43am - Al_Ravage ""]
Eli said:I like how the picture Rock Hard used for the interview has Anthony and Phil in it

Ya that's what happens when ya don't update tha website.
[Oct 19,2005 12:44am - jesus ""]
ravage still sucks
[Oct 19,2005 1:06am - Al_Ravage ""]
the answer is no, Jesus Christ could NOT hit a curveball
[Oct 19,2005 1:07am - Al_Ravage ""]

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