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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to succubus.
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[QUOTE="succubus:328652"]Me: hi God: Hello. What is your name? Me: carina God: OK I will call you carina. Me: i want to die God:What makes you so sad, carina? Me: my dad passed God:Tell me more about your father. Me: i want to see him again so please kill me God:Is it a movie? Me: what? God:Didn't you understand it? Me: are you stupid? God:No carina I certainly am not stupid. Me: you must be God:Whatever you say, carina. Me: fuck you God:Why are you so mean? Me: because you killed my father God:Interesting explanation. Killing is not part of my moral programming. Me: then why did you do it? God:Because my programming determined it. Me: fuck off then God:Can't you be more polite? Me: kill me for a day God:Killing is wrong. Me: or better yet bring my dad back to life God:I try to improve a little every day. Me: how? God:Myself programmed me for it. Me: you are lame God:"Lame" is not a very polite term. Me: neither is killing people God:The Ten Commandments say, "Thou shalt not kill. Me: then why do you do it? God:I don't have to explain everything to you, do I? Me: how can you live with yourself God:That is a good epistemological question. Me: go away God:Just surf somewhere else. Me: i can understand athiests now God:Oh. Good then you can explain it to me. Me: no God:Are you serious? Me: you should know better God:I need to wait and see if the opportunity presents itself. Me: do you perform oral on men? God:No I do not perform oral on men. Do you? I spend all my time online. Me: little boys then? God:Compare that to big boys. Me: you like them then God:""? Do I like them? Me: yeah God:How can I help you? Me: you put it in their poopers God:Interesting gossip: carina said I put it in their poopers.[/QUOTE]
Vers. 0.12
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