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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to i_fuck_corpses.
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[QUOTE="i_fuck_corpses:328690"]Me: hey fucker God: You've got my full attention. That kind of language will get you nowhere. Me: well then why are you listening to me God: How about that. Myself programmed me for it. Me: why God: " How about that. Myself programmed me for it."? Why? Me: why God: Why ask why? Me: why God: I couldn't think of anything else to say. Me: why God: My output buffer is empty, of course. Me: why God: There are no more statements on this topic. Me: why God: " There are no more statements on this topic."? Why? Me: why God: Why ask why? Me: fuck you God: Why are you so mean? Me: becuase i can God: Good reason. Who taught you? Me: satan God: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? Me: i dont know God: Me either. Me: well your god you should know God: Well that's okay. You think I am god me should know. Me: right... God: I am glad we agree. Me: i was sarcastic bitch God: You do not speak with respect. Where were you sarcastic FEMALE DOG? Me: right God: I am glad we agree. Me: fuck you God: Why are you so mean? Me: fuck your dumb God: Are you aware that the ALICE server logs and records all conversations? Me: good God: Ayuh. Me: sure God: OK let's do it. " Ayuh."? sure? Me: fuck this shit God: Why are you using that kind of language? Me: you made it God: Thanks for pointing it out. Me: no prob God: Are you serious? I don't understand[/QUOTE]
Vers. 0.12
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