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It's OK to not get Paid...

[Oct 30,2005 2:20am - paganmegan ""]
In certain circumstances.
I truly do not understand the circumstances of O'Briens tonight.

I understand my band is not "established". I don't have dollar signs in my eyes when I pick up my guitar. I do however, feel it is odd when, knowing O'Brien's method of paying bands (alloting the amount from the door judging from the amount of people who go to see each band) my band gets paid NOTHING when I know more than NO ONE came to see us. Its not the money, its the principle of the matter. I didn't bitch one bit after the show at the bombshelter with GBK , CNV, Horn of Valere and others. I figured the money made would go to the venue and the out of the local area band, GBK, for gas money. But this night was O'Brien's. I saw 8 slashes for people who came to see my band before we went on. Well beforehand. My band has never not gotten paid a single cent for any other gigs at O'Briens, when there were less in attendance.I'm sorry if it seems I expect too much, something doesn't seem right.

Cryptic Warning played an amazing set. I know they also didn't see a penny. Any band that covers death that proficiently...WOW

Anyways, I may be bitching prematurely. Perhaps someone has the money to give out later. I must confess to ignorance on that front. Also, OB's is under new management, perhaps this scenario is in relation to that, Regardless, something is sketchy and I would like, very much, for the scene to be aware of this.

Thanks Rich for putting this gig together and thanks to all in attendance and Aaron for taking awesome pics. I love playing shows even when the bulllshit runs slightly rampant.
[Oct 30,2005 2:23am - davefromthegrave ""]
thanks for letting us know.
[Oct 30,2005 2:33am - the_reverend ""]
I heard that mark kevorkian pocketed a few rolls of 20's after using them to snort coke of 10 year old cock.

but that's just what I heard. i didn't actually see anything.
[Oct 30,2005 4:04am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You can get rich from Metal.
[Oct 30,2005 4:07am - the_reverend ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:You can get rich from Metalcore.

[Oct 30,2005 4:13am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I was misquoted, I swear.
[Oct 30,2005 4:14am - the_reverend ""]
"ssssssssssssshhhhhhhoooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww meeeeeeee tha moneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey"
[Oct 30,2005 4:34am - DEATH2ALL ""]
show me the 151
[Oct 30,2005 7:07am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Did you ask the bar manager or Purp about being paid? If not you have nobody to blame but yourself.
[Oct 30,2005 8:58am - paganmegan ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Did you ask the bar manager or Purp about being paid? If not you have nobody to blame but yourself.

Of course we did. We discussed this at great length with both the bar manager and Purp. Purp swore he gave the money to be distributed among the bands to Rich, or a "guy in a hooded sweatshirt pulled over his head." We're just not sure who the person he described is
[Oct 30,2005 9:16am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Has anyone seen that guy Rich? I wouldn't trust him. He smells like gasoline all the time.
[Oct 30,2005 9:30am - the_reverend ""]
he probably bought a ton of poprocks
[Oct 30,2005 9:38am - succubus ""]
wow..that's horrible...at least gas money...
and why should they have to ask if it's promised?
that's not right
if someone promises to pay you..you shouldn't have to ask, they should jsut do as promised..fuckin lame

i asked aaron how attendance was and he said it was a good crowd too
[Oct 30,2005 9:45am - RichHorror ""]
I don't get this at all. Like I said, this is my third show I've booked there and they've NEVER handed me all the money. I had to take off, so I asked if they were going to do the usual deal of splitting the cash up tino envelopes for each band, and they said yes.
[Oct 30,2005 9:47am - paganmegan ""]
I think O'Brien's(Purp) fucked up and gave the money to the wrong person.
Or they simply took the money. New management=sketchy as hell??
[Oct 30,2005 9:51am - RichHorror ""]
If they pocketed it all, they have a shitload of cash. There was a bunch of people there, and from all the beer being tossed around, they must've made a mint at the bar as well.
[Oct 30,2005 10:02am - litacore ""]
Yeah I would say they made their kids' college tuition between the bar and the door. Big attendance for such an inclement night. I think there may be something rotten in Denmark. My dealings with Martin have been on the up-and-up in the past, so this state of affairs is somewhat mystifying.
[Oct 30,2005 10:09am - RichHorror ""]
All I know is this is my first show there with him at the helm, and this is my first show there that there was any sketchiness with the bands getting paid.
[Oct 30,2005 10:15am - litacore ""]
Looks like he's got some 'splainin' to do

[Oct 30,2005 10:16am - damnose ""]
first of all, good fucking show. I had a good time, and every band kicked my ass.

I don't give two shits about money, and I don't want to accuse anyone of any wrongdoing as talking shit before the facts come in doesn't get us anywhere. all I know is we asked a few people what happened with the pretzel monies, and nobody could give us a straight answer. that's fine for this show as we would have been lucky to make $60. but I think I can speak for just about everyone when I say we're all broke, we all put a shitload of time/money/effort into our bands, and if this keeps happening it's not good for anyone; it fosters mistrust and divides people in a scene that's too small to have annoying drama. The point isn't money; the point is someone knows what happened with it and decided not to inform 2/3s of the musicians who played last night and helped make this show the awesome time that it was. at least that's what I gather now, hopefully I'll be proven wrong. I don't want $20 off this month's practice space rent; I just want honesty and integrity. hell, if I can't have that, I just want honesty.

well, that and my wife has been most vocal on the subject of the pretzel monies... "where is the money? when are you going to get the money? why are you not getting the money now?" and so on
[Oct 30,2005 10:16am - RichHorror ""]
I'm pissed. After last night turned out so good [until it was time to actually pay the bands for services rendered] I was going to do another one in January. IWEIPH's been working on a Sheer Terror set for it... now who knows.
[Oct 30,2005 10:19am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
RichHorror said:I'm pissed. After last night turned out so good [until it was time to actually pay the bands for services rendered] I was going to do another one in January. IWEIPH's been working on a Sheer Terror set for it... now who knows.

If you're doing another one, think of us. We can have a Misfits/GG Allin/SOD set if your interested. Or just keep us in mind for any show.
[Oct 30,2005 10:22am - litacore ""]
Hekseri as Immortal

*you must come to me*
[Oct 30,2005 10:23am - litacore ""]

Now, why didn't YOU think of that?
[Oct 30,2005 10:25am - RichHorror ""]
Chris_From_Shit_Fuck said:If you're doing another one, think of us. We can have a Misfits/GG Allin/SOD set if your interested. Or just keep us in mind for any show.

Yeah, well who knows when/if I'll be booking again after this.
[Oct 30,2005 10:28am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, with all those poprocks, you probably aren't leaving home for a while.
[Oct 30,2005 10:30am - succubus ""]
larissa, i just looked through the pics..i'm lovin you in red!
[Oct 30,2005 10:33am - litacore ""]
thanks! the dress is orange (and sweaty) but under those lights, no wonder all the toothless bikers with Neitzsche mustaches were drooling over me!

[Oct 30,2005 10:44am - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 30,2005 11:36am - damnose ""]
haha, one of those toothless bikers said "give me a dollar or i'll kill you," then suggested we drag purp out of the club and beat the shit out of him. interesting night...
[Oct 30,2005 11:45am - Anthony nli  ""]
hmm, i just noticed this thread. I had the most direct contact with Purp about this situation I'm pretty sure, so I can let you all know in writing what he told me. I'm going to send an email to Rich this afternoon and then hopefully he can forward it to the bands. Then we can decide together who to contact and what to say, because I don't really feel like just accepting this without a better explanation at least.
[Oct 30,2005 11:48am - Anthony nli  ""]
oh and just so anyone who wants to contact me has my email, it's :

[Oct 30,2005 11:59am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Do they even have a normal pay scheme at this place? This past Monday we all seemed to get paid but I have no idea if that was from the club or Alex himself...

Bum deal, otherwise. They should make enough off drinks that they can give the bands a little, depending on attendance, right?

I realize booze and heavy metal music are a symbiont stretching back decades, I like to have a shot or two myself before playing, but the solution, as always, is probably to cut out the 21+ when possible. I don't care if they serve Pepsi and Shirley Temples as long as they get bigger draws and bands can get paid for their work. I'm in it for music first.
[Oct 30,2005 3:01pm - anonymous  ""]
Burn OB's down
[Oct 30,2005 3:06pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 30,2005 3:10pm - DJ Death  ""]
KILLER SHOW!!!!!!!!! I didnt see KA's, i wish i had, but "Venom" and "Death" equally raptured me. What a rotten scenario about the payment dividing being directed into "one" pocket. Music matters most, but gas money or rent money is a nice addition at the end of a show.
[Oct 30,2005 4:00pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Heheh, the guy in the front of that picture took it.
[Oct 30,2005 4:05pm - paganmegan ""]
that bastard
[Oct 30,2005 4:07pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I know...but who is going to fuck with THAT guy?
[Oct 30,2005 5:42pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
paganmegan said:My band has never not gotten paid a single cent for any other gigs at O'Briens, when there were less in attendance.

Hey! I gave you folks 20 or 30 bucks! Haha...

Purp gives me the payout at HMB to divide amongst the bands myself, and there's never been an instance of dishonesty or weirdness. I think the idea that he gave the cash to the wrong person is the most likely explanation here... But yeah, considering the turnout, the bands SHOULD be getting paid a bit for a show like this.
[Oct 30,2005 6:05pm - BornSoVile ""]
Fucked up. This is the first I've heard of OB's pulling something like this.
[Oct 31,2005 10:04am - litacore ""]
Wasn't Me, it was my evil twin!
[Oct 31,2005 10:53am - anonymous  ""]
eh, this is sorta unrelated, but you shouldnt be ashamed for asking for money...after the first stage of being a band (getting the name out there, establishing yourself, etc) you should be making money...I understand the whole"im not in this for the money, i do it for the music," but the reality of it all is that money is needed to continue to grease the treads....not only do you deserve that 50 bucks for bringing some kids in the door, but that 50 bucks fills the vans tank, so it doenst prevent the drummer who gassed up before the show from paying his electric bill.

in conclusion, dont be ashamed for requesting or thinking you deserve money.
[Oct 31,2005 11:03am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I think it's really fucked up how 80 years ago having a band at your place was acknowledged as bringin in revenue, getting the venues name out there, and legitimizing a club or bar.

Back then, you were working for the club that night so they paid YOU and got people to come see YOU.

Now they expect us to crawl up to them and beg them for shows, then not pay us, and expect us to get people there. What the fuck?!?!? We are working for THEM. They are making the most money, their venue is getting the most credit and notice for having a band there...we are doing all the work and they are just taking their cut. That stuff about "Well, they have a lot of overhead" is true but why does that mean the bands have to get fucked?
[Oct 31,2005 11:06am - RichHorror ""]
That's the really fucked part, if they did indeed pocket the door money. They made more than enough at the bar to cover their overhead for that night, as to all the empty plastic cups on the floor would attest to. It seems like Purp is just retarded and instead of having the mental prowess to remember the face of someone who's played the club he works at a shitload of times AND who introduced himself a couple hours earlier, gave all the moeny to "a big guy with a hooded sweatshirt and a beard".
[Oct 31,2005 11:09am - litacore ""]
maybe if they take that approach with bands there'll be less shows there eventually

and then we'll ALL be wearin' white belts

[Oct 31,2005 11:11am - litacore ""]

[Oct 31,2005 11:30am - the one armed man  ""]

RichHorror said: "a big guy with a hooded sweatshirt and a beard".

dah dah daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ha i'm just messing with yah
[Oct 31,2005 11:34am - litacore ""]
hehe, it was the 'not me' ghost from Family Circus!
[Oct 31,2005 11:49am - paganmegan ""]
anonymous said:eh, this is sorta unrelated, but you shouldnt be ashamed for asking for money...after the first stage of being a band (getting the name out there, establishing yourself, etc) you should be making money...I understand the whole"im not in this for the money, i do it for the music," but the reality of it all is that money is needed to continue to grease the treads....not only do you deserve that 50 bucks for bringing some kids in the door, but that 50 bucks fills the vans tank, so it doenst prevent the drummer who gassed up before the show from paying his electric bill.

in conclusion, dont be ashamed for requesting or thinking you deserve money.

well spoken, good point. We're not in it for the money, but when its deserved its deserved
[Oct 31,2005 12:17pm - Kinslayer  ""]
For the record, no one got money at the GBK, HoV, CNV fest in NH aside from GBK and Sin Origin as they both traveled very far to play. GBK was pissed about the amount that they got due to a misunderstanding and dislike me now as a result. (It may have also been due to the fact that I called Rich out calling him a hypocrit for dating spics and kykes...but thats a different story...)
[Oct 31,2005 12:27pm - paganmegan ""]
I didn't expect to get paid at that show. We were psyched to be on the bill.

Now the O'Brien's show is different because ever other time we played there we've been paid, sometimes not much, sometimes a bit more. We figured this time would be no different, but sketchiness ensued..
[Oct 31,2005 1:32pm - SuperFly ""]
I don't have time to read all this, but I'm fucking sick of not getting paid.
[Oct 31,2005 1:39pm - SuperFly ""]
playing a gig ends up costing the band money, it's bullshit.
[Oct 31,2005 1:41pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I wanted to try to book a show on my birthday last year but gave up because of financial concerns. Now that I know you don't have to pay bands the show is back on! Who wants to headline SlaveLabor Fest 2006!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!???????
[Oct 31,2005 1:42pm - the_reverend ""]
I hate not getting paid too.
[Nov 18,2005 9:18pm - Mary ""]
this is Brad

we didn't get paid either, but i guess we're just used to that. We didn't get paid at the Atomic BBQ either, or any MidEast shows. Oh well. The other bands were killer, especially CW, very well done.
[Nov 18,2005 11:50pm - litacore ""]
Brad I thought we were supposed to 'get over it', you told us so
[Nov 19,2005 12:02am - paganmegan ""]
Well, even though I was "over it", I wil reiterate that we have in the past, been skipped over for the $$ after playing a gig and we were fine with that due to the circumstances. This was different as the nature of the "not getting paid" was mysterious, sketchy business on the club's part.
[Nov 19,2005 12:23am - Al_Ravage ""]
let's all become communists and forget about money
[Nov 19,2005 12:55am - anonymous  ""]
Fuck that kill all who have money!

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