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News Article: Surf Nicaragua!

[Oct 30,2005 2:29pm - the_reverend ""]
look at hurrican BETA.


also, look at the atlantic... there is another storm out there...
[Oct 30,2005 2:46pm - eddie ""]
thats my ring tone
[Oct 30,2005 2:53pm - anonymous  ""]
the world is coming to an end and i still havent gotten layed
[Oct 30,2005 6:45pm - hunterhunter ""]
fighting for democracy the american way
not in your country what am I doing here you say
now its too late youre enterning Managua
if you had brought your surfboard you could SURF NICARAGUA
[Oct 30,2005 8:59pm - eddie ""]
i love that cover of war pigs on that ep

the other 2 songs aren't that good
[Oct 30,2005 9:06pm - eddie ""]
i take that back draining you of life is also really good
[Oct 30,2005 9:09pm - SPIDEY ""]
i saw them at the Orpheum in like '93

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