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STAR WARS: Battlefront 2

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[Nov 3,2005 7:35pm - Doomkid Nli  ""]
This game is pretty good, makes Battlefront 1 look like it was a bad beta version, which I'm not convinced it wasn't. Love the ability to play as Jedi. The space battle are also real fun, they fell like a good mix of the old PC X-Wing and of the later console Rouge Squadrons and whatnot.

Being able to land you fighter in the enemy's hanger bay and fuck their shit up is always a plus too.

Still lacks the ability to drop/pick up weapons and the space battles could be a little more frantic but otherwise its a well put together game.

And it can actually be hard if you want, unlike the first one.
[Dec 5,2005 7:40pm - scoracrasia ""]
My kids and I rock out on that game all the time. It is a blast, especially the space battles. I land in the enemy bays all the time and sabotage their shit big time.
[Dec 5,2005 7:46pm - Doomkid ""]
Dude, that is my FAVORITE part of this game. It reminds me of playing old school xwing on my mac except you get to do crazier shit. I just wish you actually got to see the MonCal cruisers or the Star Destroyers blow up at the end of the battle.
[Dec 5,2005 7:47pm - Doomkid ""]
Haha, I just noticed when I originally made this thread I made it for a show and not for video games. I am so fucking smart.
[Dec 5,2005 7:52pm - scoracrasia ""]
Haha, damn. Yeah, that would be a cool feature to se as well. i dig fighting in Jabba's palace as well. Getting chewed by the Rancor and shit. Playing Bobba Fett is bad ass too. Man, I am 32 years old and I am still a kid at heart. My kids actually have to share that game with me, haha...

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