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Attention: Sin of Angels (Ray)

[Nov 4,2005 3:46pm - Beakey ""]
When is JoJo putting out your album?
I love everything I've heard so far.
The artwork looks fucking awesome too!
[Nov 4,2005 3:47pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
Nov 15th at the Exhumed show and thanks we are rea;;y happy with it
[Nov 4,2005 3:49pm - Beakey ""]
I see you prefer the semicolon over the letter L.
[Nov 4,2005 4:19pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
sometimes i prefer the whole colon A HA HA HA HA
[Nov 4,2005 4:22pm - Beakey ""]
You obviously haven't seen JoJo Dancer's colon.
[Nov 4,2005 4:31pm - KeithMutiny ""]
all i think of is cake and beer when someone mentions sin of angels, dont know why... well actually i kinda do.
[Nov 4,2005 4:36pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
A very messy night to say the least ...wait there's another bday on SAt Ai'nt there
[Nov 4,2005 4:47pm - KeithMutiny ""]
im goin to a bday tonight and tomorrow... oh yea!
[Nov 4,2005 5:23pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
cant wait to hear the new record. sin of angels is the best band out of providence.
[Nov 4,2005 5:29pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
Thanks Mike I want a copy of that new split your doing too
[Nov 4,2005 5:39pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
no problem man. when its out i will get one to you.

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