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Monday 11/28 - HEAVY METAL BREAKDOWN #7 - NIGHT OF THE DEMON - Live performances by KEVORKIAN'S ANGELS, WITCH TOMB and DISSECTOR + DJ Alex Onslaught spinning elite Metal all night

[show listing]  __________________________________________
[Nov 25,2005 8:14pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
O'Brien's Pub 3 Harvard Ave. Allston
21+ 9PM $5
Flyer shortly
[Nov 25,2005 8:49pm - paganmegan ""]
Nice! The return of witch tomb is anxiously awaited
[Nov 25,2005 10:14pm - Dissector ""]
God damn this show is gonna shred!
[Nov 25,2005 10:32pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[Nov 26,2005 8:53am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Crap I can't make it out to this, lineup looks good though and I want to see Witch Tomb.
[Nov 26,2005 2:17pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[Nov 26,2005 2:20pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i gotta work till 11 but im gonna swing by after. goddamn i love living two mins from o'briens
[Nov 26,2005 3:41pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
You'll still probably catch most of the hot Heavy Metal action!
[Nov 26,2005 6:59pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
We will be playing our whole new album. 15 tracks
[Nov 26,2005 7:08pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
god damn being 20, 9 more months. Alex next time you're doing one of these, consider us for it, we'll play whatever you throw our way.
[Nov 26,2005 7:10pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Chris_From_Shit_Fuck said:god damn being 20, 9 more months. Alex next time you're doing one of these, consider us for it, we'll play whatever you throw our way.

Careful what you say, he might just throw his wang at you.
[Nov 27,2005 12:56pm - Dissector ""]
[Nov 27,2005 3:55pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Metal in the face of the feeble god!
[Nov 27,2005 9:24pm - Dissector ""]
up again
[Nov 27,2005 10:08pm - BornSoVile ""]
excellent, i havn't seen any of these bands for at least two months, i'm extremely deprived. looking forward to KA esp.
[Nov 27,2005 10:11pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
BornSoVile said:excellent, i havn't seen any of these bands for at least two months, i'm extremely deprived. looking forward to KA esp.

Thanks man, I hope you like the new shit. We think that it is much better than anything we have done prior.
[Nov 28,2005 3:01am - BestialOnslaught ""]
18 hours!
[Nov 28,2005 3:29am - Burning Leather  ""]
wish I could go but I have work
[Nov 28,2005 11:10am - anonymous  ""]
man you gotta start advertising these things sooner...
[Nov 28,2005 2:16pm - ninkaszi  ""]
tonight fuckers..
[Nov 28,2005 2:18pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
any chance of little old me getting into this show? consider it a birthday gift to me...
[Nov 28,2005 2:44pm - Eddie ""]
KillerKadoogan said:any chance of little old me getting into this show? consider it a birthday gift to me...

you're welcome into any dissector show
[Nov 28,2005 3:07pm - BSV  ""]
Night of the Demons...only got to see #2.
[Nov 28,2005 4:30pm - Dissector ""]
KillerKadoogan said:any chance of little old me getting into this show? consider it a birthday gift to me...

You can be in our band to get in.
[Nov 28,2005 5:15pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
anonymous said:man you gotta start advertising these things sooner...

Yeah, would be nice if bands got back to me earlier!
[Nov 28,2005 5:16pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
KillerKadoogan said:any chance of little old me getting into this show? consider it a birthday gift to me...

Zombie fucking mosh!!!
[Nov 28,2005 5:17pm - shatteredliz ""]
Have fun all! Wish I could be there!
[Nov 28,2005 6:18pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
That retard that ruined Nasty Habits might come down to fight me at this, that should be funny.
[Nov 28,2005 6:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
Alex, just turn wicked Martyr on him, give him the olde "hey man, I'm just supporting the scene, I'm helping it, I don't like it when people like you inslut it" crap that everyone relies on when shit hits the fan.
[Nov 28,2005 6:55pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Just tell him you need a blowjob and figured he was gay after hearing what he played on Nasty Habits
[Nov 28,2005 8:17pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
BestialOnslaught said:That retard that ruined Nasty Habits might come down to fight me at this, that should be funny.

He had a nasty metalcore habit.
[Nov 29,2005 1:47am - Eddie ""]
just got back

fun time
[Nov 29,2005 2:14pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
out of control night...great time.
[Nov 29,2005 2:41pm - BSV  ""]
excellent show, great turnout for a monday too.
Dissector killed, always a pleasure to see them play/at shows, been awhile since I saw them last
Witch Tomb is one of my newer favorite bands, I love the style they play, so fuckin dark so fucking evil, they crush
Kevorkians Angels is most under-rated, overlooked, and most talented band in New England. The new material sounds fucking awesome, some of my favorites are "Meet me in hell" and "Programmed to Kill". Nick is a gawd. If you havn't seen them yet, your missing out.
Great tunes as always, I fucking love HMB, it's the best atmosphere in New England for Metal.
[Nov 29,2005 2:41pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
BestialOnslaught said:That retard that ruined Nasty Habits might come down to fight me at this, that should be funny.

That kid is a Nasty Faggot
[Nov 29,2005 2:50pm - BSV  ""]
I wasn't there but I guess that kid showed up and had some words for Alex...it finally happened, someone was immature enough to erect the messageboard warrior ego in real life and try to do whatever with it. I found that very sad, that child shouldn't have ruined nasty habits, he never would have looked this stupid.
[Nov 29,2005 3:18pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Damn!!! I wish I was at this so I could have kicked the shit out of this fag
[Nov 29,2005 4:07pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
[Nov 29,2005 6:39pm - Kinslayer  ""]
What kid was it? I didnt witness any of this.
[Nov 29,2005 6:42pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
It happened around before 10 if I remember right. He looked like Sloth from the Goonies, but in stander punk attire.
[Nov 29,2005 6:59pm - SickSickSicks ""]
whoa. Sloth???

"RUTH!!! RUTH!!!! Baby???"

did sloth and alex have it out???
[Nov 29,2005 7:46pm - swamplorddvm ""]
People is whack.
[Nov 29,2005 7:55pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Awesome time as always, not the best turn out but thanks to everyone who did come down! 3 great sets from the bands too!
[Nov 30,2005 9:34pm - Dissector ""]
I had a great time. That was my first time seeing Kevorkian's Angels live. Witch Tomb seemed even better than the last time I saw them. Their is something hypnotic about their drummer though.

Alex, is there a way we can hear the tape of our set? No matter how shitty it is.
[Dec 6,2005 2:48pm - Dissector ""]
Bump for my question.
[Dec 6,2005 4:33pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Yeah, I can make you guys a copy some time.

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