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I wish there was more pussy to go aound within the scene/world haha what a thread.

[Aug 14,2003 2:50am - FinalBloodbath ""]
Yea Im only fuckin damn serious all ladys apply here post or something yea oh well Im cursed get fucked up everyone.
[Aug 14,2003 2:52am - FinalBloodbath ""]
Around more pussy spread that shit. HAIL THE CLIT MOTHERFUCKERS!!!
[Aug 14,2003 2:58am - FinalBloodbath ""]
So many fuckers digging this post I know its that good you can reply ladies yea haha.
[Aug 14,2003 7:29pm - Metalgoatgirl666  ""]
Hey my name is Emily and I work in Starbucks in Arlington....I go Mass Art in Boston ...... I am 20, 5'6 black hair with green streaks bleached in, (but my natural hair colour is blonde and I am thinking about letting it grow back in) I am into alot ofmetal, but I am also into alot of other music including classical. I like metal that sounds like Goatwhore, Isagrim, Before God, Absurd, Beautiful Endless Void of Suffering,Marduk, and Cradle of Filth....Danny is my God!!!!! I am currently single and looking for a guy that shares my intersests. Are you in a band? If so, what is your bands name? I recently moved here from NY, all the good art schools are up here....I would like to meet some new people and hope to become a singer or a back up vocalist for a metal band....I was always told back home that I had a good voice.....You guys have a really good scene up here in Boston....The best local bands Ive heard up here are Command Prescence and Acephalus. If you would like to go out for coffee some time and talk and get to know each other, Im trying to get to know some of the people on this page. Respond if you want and we can chat.
[Aug 14,2003 7:55pm - RustedAngel ""]

[Aug 15,2003 12:55am - DeOdiumMortis ""]

Pick of the litter right there.
[Aug 15,2003 1:47am - dreadkill ""]
when i looked at this post earlier and saw that a female had posted a reply, i figured the guys would start having fun with this topic. i'm surprised at the lack of responses. i figured there would be all kinds of funny comments on here by now, but i'm sure i'll see some soon. anyway, i'll break out of my shitty mood tonight to be friendly for a minute. what is your major at mass art? i just graduated from umass dartmouth [a surprisingly good art school, featuring some risd faculty] with a degree in graphic design and electronic imaging. do you play any instruments in addition to singing? i'm a singer and bass player for a band undergoing lineup changes and a name change. once our new drummer learns our set list, we'll be ready to rock for the first time in over a year. i'm looking forward to it. hopefully my band will get on some shows with some of you guys from this site.
[Aug 15,2003 2:00am - Terence ""]
Im also suprised that a girl posted on this thread also. I figured it was just fake.
[Aug 15,2003 2:11am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
What surprised me was that she posted in this of all topics.
What girl, or guy even, would want to participate in "I wish there was more pussy to go aound..." Just a thought.

To Emily if she ever comes back: If you want to get married IM me: MikeOMearaSucks but he doesn't suck cock. Harrrrr. Wtf is my problem...
[Aug 15,2003 3:39am - FinalBloodbath ""]
Hey what is your email or IM btw I was a little drunk and obnoxious when I made this post I really didnt know if anyone was gonna take it seriously but thanks Im a very humorous person. I was in a band on guitar for a short while recently called Shroud Of Bereavement they actually need a female vocalist check them out you might be interested mp3.com has them. Im mostly into METAL but I like other types of music as well classical, classic rock, hard rock, some blues and shit. Im starting my own band currently we have just started getting it together and what not it is a extreme metal band which is influenced mainly by black, thrash, death, and classic metal. Im friends with a few bands mark the drummer of Acephales (RIP) is fuckin cool they were fuckin tight. I appreciate all forms of art anything that is not shallow and pretentious pretty much I like the dark shit though. You have some great tastes in music check out my other friends band Suspension of Graces on mp3.com as well. I live pretty close to boston in woburn,MA Id love to hang out with you and talk Emily. Thanks for your reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 15,2003 11:59pm - FinalBloodbath ""]
[Aug 16,2003 3:40am - Terence ""]
I like to break matresses via too much pounding, if you know what I mean, baby:shocker:
[Aug 17,2003 6:26pm - Metalgoatgirl666  ""]
I think Joe/Notcommon is so hot!:satancross:
[Aug 17,2003 7:19pm - josh and heather  ""]
this thread is qualifuckinty
two in the pink, one in the stink? :shocker:
talk about the perfect javascript atkaret for this thread
[Aug 17,2003 7:54pm - dyingmuse ""]
ohh dan you are so sexy...i wish i knew how to pick up chicks like you. you are a jackass
[Aug 17,2003 8:18pm - joe/notcommon ""]
i am hot
[Aug 17,2003 11:27pm - dreadkill ""]
now it's starting to get funny. allllllriiiiiiiight! (said quagmire style)
[Aug 18,2003 1:47am - FinalBloodbath ""]
Hey I got to say something right the fuck right now there is no stronger drug than reality Mr. Dying muse your a fuckin jackass mother fucker this is my fuckin post and hey joe i alreadY told you your COOL dont reply on my fuckin thread you are cold as ice compared to me mother fucker I am an ememy of reality FUCK EVERYONE I WILL SAY ANYTHING I FUCKIN PLEASE AND I ALMOST GOT ARRESTED TONIGHT FOR FREE SPEECH YEA FUCK THIS DEMOCKERY OF A COUNTRY ALL YOU FUCKIN FAGS MUST SUCK THE CORPORATE DICK ALL THE REPUBLICANS SWALLOW THE LOAD FUCK THE WAR MONGERS AND JOCKS VISITING MY FUCKIN THREAD IM FUCKIN WAITING!. DONT TOUCH ME FUCK NO NEVER AGAIN I VOW LEST I DIE TOMMOROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAIL SATAN I DONT COFORM LIKE THE REST OF YOU CUM GURGLING COCK SUCKERS.
[Aug 18,2003 1:53am - FinalBloodbath ""]
[Aug 19,2003 10:01pm - Metalgoatgirl666  ""]
Kid. You really fucking need to get laid....your chances of that are getting slimmer and slimmer the more you open your big retarded mouth, so I would lay off....... You suck. Are you a homosexual? Do you want to fuck men? It would seem so, since you become overly obsessed with every single guy that says 2 words to you. You need to leave all these people alone. Nobody wants to hear about your bullshit opinions. Are you going to be o.k.? The things you do and say have no impact, value, and they only prove how ignorant and gay you really are.
You should really just kill yourself before you make a bigger disgrace of yourself. I am completley serious. You make me sad.
Joe Common was the best lay I've ever had.........
[Aug 19,2003 10:09pm - the_reverend ""]
wow, mgg666, you sound a little not common there.
[Aug 19,2003 10:40pm - dreadkill ""]
this is getting hilarious now:doublehorns:
[Aug 19,2003 11:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
joe/notcommon said:i am hot

is that barry white?
[Aug 20,2003 9:41am - joe/notcommon ""]
i wish i was as smooth as Barry White.

[Aug 20,2003 9:44am - joe/notcommon ""]
Phil and I will circle jerk any girl on this board, free of charge
[Aug 20,2003 7:42pm - Finalbloodbath ""]
I love being single I feel bad for all those dumb fucks that fall in love and have kids just like a bunch of the jealous ignorant fucks on this board that make me feel good about this single thing. Every time I get involved with chics there trouble I love being the way I am cause all you read my shit reply and wish you had balls as big as mine I smell pussies in this thread just not the kind I eat. Oh hey Joe I dont know where you ego came from but when I saw you at morefoce fset you gave me a cd that didnt work and seemed very insecure like you didnt belong there pretty sad man. And why are you and phil putting fake chics you cant reply to on this post (Metalgoatgirl666) haha not thats lame leave the blowupdolls in the bedroom for some late night gang bang man.
[Aug 20,2003 10:27pm - Metalgoatgirl666  ""]
It's not Phil or Joe. It's Phil's girlfriend Camille. Ive been trying to distract you from him with a fake girl because Ive been scared youre going to try to rape him. Seriously, you call him every single night, you stalk him, you are completley obsessed with him and are psychotic. You are acting like a crazy ex girlfriend. You even went to his house at 4 am and rang the bell and made up some bullshit excuse for it. You spread lies about him and his old band, He's the center of your fucked up delusional life. Stop harassing him!!!!! He is never ever going to fuck you. SORRY!!!:spineyes:
[Aug 20,2003 11:23pm - Finalbloodbath ""]
Im not lars ulrich or rob halford honey I really wanted my songs though you were there when he recorded them on his computer back then. I didnt want him to use them in his new gay goth industrial band or with his nazi pal thats why I had to give the chap a call here and there when I was listening to my tunes getting drunk I wanted them back. The way he was going next thing Id know hed say the riffs and shit were his and he would try to destroy the reputation of a great heterosexual metal musician. The only thing Im obsessed with is my music I want it in my true metal hands, not his philthy trendhopping "im gonna write how everyone who doesnt want me to steal there tunes and make gay goth songs out of them is a faget in more than 5000 words on every fuckin posts". Your pathetic fuck friend threw his talent away and needs a little more attention how do i know your not his boyfriend? he does call himself philthy phil and walks with a really bad limp and is unusually fond of talking about me oh well phil wasnt the right name for him but philthy FILL haha that works middle name is SPHINCTER right?
[Aug 21,2003 1:36am - Terence ""]
this is getting OLD
[Aug 21,2003 1:42am - dreadkill ""]
i agree with terence. this was kind of funny before, but i think people are getting tired of this weird war of words.
[Aug 21,2003 1:49am - Terence ""]
Rev for Pete's sake can you block the bastard?!?!
[Aug 21,2003 2:19pm - morebeerz ""]


Send an email to his ISP and tell 'em to warn him about obscenity and abuse of his internet account - They should be able to scare the shit out of him with a quick Email and maybe see him off...
[Aug 21,2003 10:52pm - notcommonhatesyou ""]
ok this is the last you will all hear from me on the subject.... I hope Dan dosn't even read it. I'm sorry for perpetuating this bullshit and that everyone had to put up with it. Camille was not trying to antagonize him personally. She thought the thread was offensive before she even knew who wrote it and was just fucking around. Then we had some fun saying the fake girl banged joe. Non of it had anything to do with Dan before his little freak outs. But thats not even important, Im sorry everyone had to deal with this bullshit. I perpetuated things in general more than was necissary. Onto changing the topic, I had mexican food tonight I really like it.
[Aug 22,2003 2:14am - Terence ""]
I F'ing love Taco Bell
[Aug 22,2003 3:57am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i love what comes out of your bum bum after you eat taco bell ;)

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