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Devourment shows

[Aug 25,2003 5:21am - GutturalTexage ""]
The list of merch is here:

Anybody interested to trade brutal shows for any of my Devourment concerts
E-mail TCM74@TotalDeath.com

Also if you have any shirts that you dont see on my list from Devourment ill pay top dollar for the merchandise.

[Aug 25,2003 7:39am - joe/notcommon ""]
wait a minute, is this just about trading devourment videos?
why am I awake so early?
try that guy AJ from the backstreet boys of existence
[Aug 25,2003 8:00am - baneofexistence ""]
i'll trade for some of them vid's heres my list

[Aug 25,2003 9:03am - the_reverend ""]
damn it damn it damn it.
I woke up thought this was all about devourment trading shows with people.
now I need to take a chill pill.
[Aug 25,2003 9:07am - joe/notcommon ""]
me too, i was ready to offer then 216 dollars, imported chocolate, a homer simpson pez dispenser, and a purple sharpy to play a show.
[Aug 25,2003 9:11am - retzam ""]
joe/notcommon said:me too, i was ready to offer then 216 dollars, imported chocolate, a homer simpson pez dispenser, and a purple sharpy to play a show.

uhhh, i would keep the money, chocolate, and the pez dispenser. but he sharpie is up for grabs (i would use the money to buy more).
[Aug 25,2003 9:13am - joe/notcommon ""]
actually my friends work gives me sharpies for free, of all colors
[Aug 25,2003 9:15am - retzam ""]
lucky bastard. my brother has one of those happy sets 12 colors. maybe he will forget it when he leaves for college...
[Aug 25,2003 9:17am - joe/notcommon ""]
yeah it comes in handy, his work actually doesnt know they give them to me for free though, they also dont know they fund the printing of all my flyers

[Aug 25,2003 9:37am - RustedAngel ""]
i wipe my ass with your flyers, your gay.

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