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Ice covered windshields

[Jan 16,2006 2:51pm - ndeath ""]
DAMN!! It just took me a half hour to scrape all the ice off of my car.GODAMN FUCKING CUNTING WINTER!!!!!!
[Jan 16,2006 3:01pm - anonymous  ""]
You really love filling up this board with useless shit i see. No one cares about your problems.
[Jan 16,2006 3:12pm - Yeti ""]
yeah ice sucks. my car has no heat, so i had to scrape a little spot so i could drive.
[Jan 16,2006 4:54pm - litacore ""]
the best ice scraping scene is in the movie 'Fargo'
[Jan 17,2006 1:16pm - ndeath ""]
anonymous said:You really love filling up this board with useless shit i see. No one cares about your problems.

Screw u anonymous!!!!!

[Jan 17,2006 1:20pm - succubus ""]
half an hour is long..was your car running and was the defrost on?
[Jan 17,2006 3:39pm - Ryan_M ""]
we have this stuff at my house called "Liquid Fire", it comes in a spray bottle and this shit melts ice in seconds, making ice scraping a snap. maybe your local hardware store carries it or maybe check the auto care section of a department store.

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