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Elmo says "Who wants to die?"

[Jan 26,2006 4:57pm - diamond_dave ""]

haha awesome.
[Jan 26,2006 5:05pm - the_reverend ""]
"you're gonna die" at the end
[Jan 26,2006 6:00pm - anonymous  ""]
That's awsome.
[Dec 28,2006 11:01am - yummy ""]
wow this is just great. it's my left, but it's your right.
[Dec 28,2006 12:28pm - SinisterMinister ""]
That is one of my favorite episodes of ATHF. Frylock absolutely murders everyone.
[Dec 28,2006 12:32pm - Dark_violinist ""]
Found it on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av1HN5Vea7g

What he says is so obscure, these people are just hearing what they want to.

The Demonic Furby back in 98 was way better.
[Dec 28,2006 12:48pm - Yeti ""]
yeah its so dumb how shit gets misconstrued. now if it was like "just take that razorblade and cut your wrists down to the bone, and die laughing" then i could understand.
[Dec 28,2006 12:48pm - Yeti ""]
[Dec 28,2006 1:34pm - davefromthegrave ""]
actually here's the answer right here.

[Dec 28,2006 1:41pm - yummy ""]
Oh my fucking god. I just spit coffee out my nose!
[Dec 28,2006 1:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 28,2006 1:50pm - xanonymousx ""]
i think it said who wet the bed...

the second video is hilarious

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