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All the camera equipment in the world..

[Mar 3,2006 10:14am - the_reverend ""]
3 sb-800's
1 d100
1 d2h (though he says he has a d2x, but it looks like a d2h to me)
and so many other lenses and extenders. so nice.
[Mar 3,2006 10:17am - succubus ""]
umm aaron..put our equipment together and we pretty much have the same things and more

i have 1 sb-800 you have 2
plus others types

we have 2 x d100
2 x d70
1x d2h
1 x d2x

10.5mm 1.8
50mm 1.8
2 x 70-200vr 2.8
2 x 17-55mm 2.8
and more sigmas but i don't feel like spending any more time typing

so pfft

[Mar 3,2006 11:14am - HailTheLeaf ""]
I'm just happy I finally have a digital...and a decent one at that...
[Mar 3,2006 11:19am - the_reverend ""]
well, looking at that, I think he has a 70-200 non-vr, but the tall one is a 200-400 vr I think. he's also got a nice 1.4 tc along with some others. there are a ton of lenses there that I can't tell what they are.
[Mar 3,2006 12:14pm - succubus ""]
all right let's take a similar picture with our equipment and you'll see
[Mar 3,2006 12:20pm - the_reverend ""]
we will definitely have more cameras.
I want a TC, but I don't know it I want the 1.7 or 2.0.
[Mar 3,2006 12:52pm - davefromthegrave ""]
whose equipment is that?
[Mar 3,2006 1:01pm - Mary ""]
Boner time?
[Mar 3,2006 1:11pm - mcmahon ""]
what about the camera used to take the photo?
[Mar 3,2006 1:11pm - the_reverend ""]
um.. mirrors?
[Mar 3,2006 1:12pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 3,2006 1:34pm - mcmahon ""]
tricky tricky.

its expensive lookin equipment you got there.

ever had any mishaps with broken lenses, saturated shutters, etc. during any shows? I remember you and the guitarist from American Head Charge (the same one who wanted to fight a fan after the show) exchanging glances after he tried to spit water on you.
[Mar 3,2006 1:38pm - brian_dc ""]
succubus said:umm aaron..put our equipment together and we pretty much have the same things and more

i have 1 sb-800 you have 2
plus others types

we have 2 x d100
2 x d70
1x d2h
1 x d2x

10.5mm 1.8
50mm 1.8
2 x 70-200vr 2.8
2 x 17-55mm 2.8
and more sigmas but i don't feel like spending any more time typing

so pfft

this is why the unholy union of succurev, revubus, etc. is such a dominating force.
[Mar 3,2006 1:52pm - the_reverend ""]
mcmahon: thank fully nothing really major yet.
I dropped a 17-35mm lens at NJMHF 2003 with my camera. the camera had been acting a little funny anyhow... I used that lens for a while longer, but it was cracked.

other than that, I've been VERY quick, VERY lucky, nd very well respected by people at shows. I typically throw my camera up over my head if things are going down. I'm taller than a lot of people so this usually covers it. even gwar mostly missed me the 2 times I shot them.

I also will curl up around my camera if I need to (like at the ICC).

my main camera now is all sealed so it can take some water.. not much, but a little.
[Mar 3,2006 1:57pm - davefromthegrave ""]
what model is your current main camera?
[Mar 3,2006 2:04pm - succubus ""]
my main is d2x
i think he'll tell you his d2h is his main

aaron also had another mishap lately...enough to stress him out and piss him off (he never gets mad)...i'm surprised he didn't mention it
[Mar 3,2006 2:05pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, that was my own fault.
I was out shooting some picture of a lighting control box that I fixed.
and the step up ring addator for my R1C1 got stuck on a filter which then got stuck on a lens.
I was fuming.
[Mar 3,2006 2:08pm - davefromthegrave ""]
the_reverend said:oh, that was my own fault.
I was out shooting some picture of a lighting control box that I fixed.
and the step up ring addator for my R1C1 got stuck on a filter which then got stuck on a lens.
I was fuming.

wait, so somethign got stuck on somethign, which in turn got stuck on somethign else. Does that mean you fell down?
[Mar 3,2006 2:11pm - the_reverend ""]
no, it's a twist off thing.
I twisted it off and the filter it was twisted on to came twisting off.
so I twisted the filter on harder...
and then un-twisted the ring adapter and the fitler started untwisting.

now repeat that for a while until I'm about to smash my camera and I'm shaking mad.

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