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Devourment splits official site gone unofficial site up

[Sep 12,2003 4:35am - GutturalTexage ""]
The statement from the band is there along with alot of other info.
[Sep 12,2003 8:16am - joe/notcommon ""]
good riddens.
sorry Mike
[Sep 13,2003 12:34am - dysenteryvokills  ""]
are you fucking serious?......are you glad DEVOURMENT broke up i have had there fucking full legnth devut since it came out and fukcing had plans to see them after they got re-united at MDF but they fucking broek up again.:(:(.............I think they owed there true fans atleast one more round of brutality considering they never gave there MA fans a sik show...we were suppose to play with them but of course al our really sik shows get fucking cancelled or fucked over..........fukcing A DEVOURMENT wil never die \m/
[Sep 13,2003 1:04am - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
It definatly sucks that devourment broke up, but I knew it was going to happen. They were plagued with drummer losses and constant line up changes. I hope ruben goes off and does something new. Although I cant see it happening considering the dude has a family now, But we still have hope for Sect of excecration I believe they will take devourments place as the most brutal txdm band. Devourment R.I.P
[Sep 13,2003 1:17am - heartless ""]
fuck. i wanted to see this band at least once. texas... is so far away
[Sep 13,2003 7:23am - joe/notcommon ""]
dysenteryvokills said:are you fucking serious?......are you glad DEVOURMENT broke up i have had there fucking full legnth devut since it came out and fukcing had plans to see them after they got re-united at MDF but they fucking broek up again.:(:(.............I think they owed there true fans atleast one more round of brutality considering they never gave there MA fans a sik show...we were suppose to play with them but of course al our really sik shows get fucking cancelled or fucked over..........fukcing A DEVOURMENT wil never die \m/

indeed i am serious.
sect of execration and dripping are next.
[Sep 13,2003 10:10am - thegreatspaldino ""]
dripping is already defunct... sect i heard is actually becoming a serious band now... and its spelled "riddance" ... i have no idea what "riddens" is
[Sep 13,2003 10:13am - tyagxgrind ""]
incorrect.... sect of execration is just a one man studio project as of now the last few songs on baptised through blasphemy was just the singer playing all the parts musically as well.
[Sep 13,2003 12:12pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Nah devon I guess he is finding new members and they have become a live band right now. And joe dripping broke up long ago you idiot.
[Sep 13,2003 12:27pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
what the hell did ruben do to end up in prison anyway.
[Sep 13,2003 1:43pm - dysenteryvokills  ""]
yeah.....hmmm...on the exact night that "molesting the decapitated" came out that very night he had gotten in some kind of brawl type thing and he stabbed someone i believe. so he went to jail for many years and came back not eve knowing the impact there full length had on the masses....and yes dripping has been done for a long fucking time. Yeah, sect is looking for more members to release there full length.
[Sep 14,2003 3:26am - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
nah he got was put in jail the day it was released. I guess he was on probation for drugs and burgalry and he broke it. So he went to jail for a while.

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