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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to pam.
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[QUOTE="pam:398449"]Jon got another email from this douche bag!!!! its awesome!!!!! Hey fuck face I will end your pathetic little career before it starts. I KNOW YOU CANT SELL 300 TICKETS. If you could you wouldn't be worried about 10 tickets. Ten....let me say it again TEN TICKETS. It's bands like yours that give the rest of the hard working bands a bad name. It's people like you that waste important peoples time ( ME ). You claim to be able to bring in all these people, come play night there are 10 people in the place. 5 are band members, 2 are bar tenders, 1 is the lead singers girlfriend who is pissed because she has to be there and would rather be painting her nails, and don't forget the janitor. You were worried about ten tickets. You pathetic nothing. First off I couldn't give a fuck face less if you and friends got the same letter before....IT IS AN EMAIL BLAST MIND YOU!!! And yes I did drop the names of those people....because they constantly drop mine when they want people to impressed with the fact that they know me because it just might get them somewhere, they drop my name....and when I think some teeny tiny local band might be ga ga over them, maybe I'll drop the name. After all you should be asking who I have worked with...if you knew what you were doing. Then I would have told you. DUDE! So to answer your question what my problem is, it's with bands, and people such as you and yours. Bands that want to be friends with this one and that one, yet they think they have made it already. Bands that ask stupid questions like " If we can't sell the ten tickets do we have to pay you"? Yes you have to pay me you inconsiderate, want everyone else to do the work for you, punk!! The reason I lowered my price is because I want to put a couple of other people out of business. It's only costing you $100 to work with someone the likes of me AND YOU QUESTION THAT???? And you ( a band who can't sell ten tickets ) have the nerve to tell me you don't care who I rub elbows with. That's my resume you fucking dope! As for my hobbies you little fuck ( not that I need to explain) I run 4 businesses, as well as boxing, Small circle jujitsu, and formerly one of the first ever to fight in MMA ( namely International Fighting Championships) not to mention being a member of the worlds largest most notorious motorcycle club. So I will be sure to watch for your up and coming shows, and will be sure to POP in and see if I can find your skinny little cowardly ass, and we can have a POP or two. Maybe 20 or 30. So before you start rambling on again son you better know your role. You are the gum on the shoes of us important people, that make a difference. I tried to help you, and you are going to get stupid with that flap jack of yours. I'll see at one of your shows man. We will see if you sell 300 tickets, or 100 tickets, or if you just sit there watching the Janitor hit on your girlfriend, and offer to buy her drinks from two of the 8 remaining people in the place. Just remember every time you play, you just might have to answer to someone you pissed off.[/QUOTE]
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