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at my work today

[Sep 18,2003 12:20pm - the_reverend ""]
we've been playing with a paper shreader.
after running out of normal things to shread..
I've already shreaded
1) a cd
2) a bag with menus and napkins
3) some kids credit card
4) same kids health card
5) a floppy disk

I almost put in a plastic monster with a barbie dollhead, but they stopped me.
[Sep 18,2003 2:47pm - trinitytest ""]
Today at work, I ummm... programmed. A Lot. I fucked some ads serving stuff up pretty badly in the new release of the company's site (It use to work and after the switch it didn't) so I have been going nutty to accomidate for the site changes for a day or two now on this one script. Really complicated shit that no one wants to hear about. Anyways I think it is all set now, but I am pretty exhausted :spineyes::gun:
[Sep 18,2003 3:00pm - university of joe mcnamara  ""]
what CD did you shred?
[Sep 18,2003 3:03pm - Beakey ""]
I bet it was the Wretched Apparitions split with Dysentery.
[Sep 18,2003 3:06pm - the_reverend ""]
no, it was a burnt cd
and then the clear cd that comes with a case of cds...
and them a blank dvd I had...
and then I wanted to put a cd case in, but it wouldn't fit.
[Sep 18,2003 3:13pm - university of joe mcnamara  ""]
i should give you the remaining victims of the undead compilations to shred.

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